Thursday 24 October 2013

After Daybreak (Darkness Before Dawn Trilogy #3) by J.A. London Review


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Title : After Daybreak
Author : J A London
Pages : 325
ReleasedJune 25th 2013
Source : Purchased

Our last hope lies with our oldest enemies.

When we lost the war with the vampires, our world changed. The Old Family overlords trapped us in a few scattered cities and demanded our blood. Then Victor- the first vampire I've ever trusted, ever loved- came to power, and I hoped for peace between our kinds. Only now a new type of monster, Day Walkers, has emerged, and their maniacal leader is threatening to destroy us all, human and vampire alike.

The Old Family Council is stubborn and proud, unwilling to acknowledge the danger. But once I claim my birthright as the last living member of the Montgomery line, they will have to listen to me.

Neither fully human nor vampire, I am the bridge between both. Even if I'm not sure where I belong anymore, I know that the only way any of us will survive is if we stand together.

My Thoughts

Hmmmm, Im verging on a 3.5 stars but I'm still unsure!!

This is book 3 of the series and there may be spoilers for previous books!

Dawn and Michael escape Sin and finally get back to Denver to tell them Sins plan. They are shocked with what happened in LA but have their own worries. Denver is being attacked all the time by Day Walkers. They need to figure out how they are getting in and stop them. 

Dawn has to face the Vamp council to try and get them to help in the coming war and prepare them for whats going to happen. She knows her heritage may put her in danger but sees no other option. She must embrace who and what she is in order to get help. Who will win the war??

Im a bit disappointed with After Daybreak to be honest. 

After all that happened in the last 2 books and all the gearing up for the war, then to not happen?? I felt a little cheated. I was reading this and waiting and waiting for the coming battle and it never came!!! **********
I really enjoyed it other wise but hated the ending. It was way too safe!! 

In the final installment things wrapped up OK albeit a bit boringly safe. I ended up really liking Michael and Teagan. They grew so much from annoying characters to great friends of Dawns. I'm glad they had a happy ending. I really liked Ian and Id love to see a short story about him and his life!! Victor is as awesome as always. He is a worthy hero and I love his relationship with Dawn. 

Whilst there was one or two surprises I found After Daybreak to be less exciting then I thought. There was plenty of awesome fight scenes but I wanted more from this. I wanted heartache. I wanted to be on the edge of my seat. I wanted to see more of Sin and his transformation. He was an intriguing bad guy and I would of loved to see a bit more of him in this but sadly it didn't happen.

Overall Id still recommend this series to people, it reminded me why I love Vampire books and added that bit extra with The Thirst aspect.

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