- Narrated by:
- Length: 5 hrs and 32 mins
- Unabridged Audiobook
- Release Date:07-13-16
- Publisher: Ambrose Ibsen
- The Spirits of Exeter House are Restless
- Facing tough times, private investigator Harlan Ulrich takes a job looking after a historic downtown building as a favor to an old acquaintance who's out on business. Settling into the elegant Exeter House for a week-long stay, Ulrich's apartment is beautifully furnished and situated on the top floor, giving him a great view of the city. At first, he thinks it a wonderful opportunity. He's got plenty of coffee, good books to read and the whole building to himself.
- At least, that's what he's been told.
- It turns out there are others there, in the seemingly empty building. Dark entities that lurk in its shadowed corners.
- During his first night, strange things begin to occur. As he makes his nightly rounds, ensuring that the old building is free of intruders, Ulrich finds the place transformed. By day, Exeter House is a treasured local institution. By night, it crawls with the frightening souls of the hateful dead. Tormented nightly by a number of mysterious specters, it's all the investigator can do to hold onto his sanity.
- Can Harlan Ulrich tap into the building's dreadful past and quell the spirits that walk its halls, or will he lose his mind trying? Join him as he seeks answers in Medicine for the Dead, a full-length novel of supernatural terror and suspense.
- Medicine for the Dead is the second book in the Ulrich Files series by Ambrose Ibsen.

My Thoughts:
After the events of the first book, Ulrich got some money, but after spending it rather quickly, he is now facing eviction from his flat. An old friend offers him a job of looking after a historic downtown building, which has been newly refurbished and made into luxury apartments, while he is out of town. The opportunity is too good to miss, so Ulrich settles into his fully furnished flat and looks forward to a week long vacation of sorts! But things aren't as they seem in Exeter House and Ulrich will have to get to the bottom of it before it's too late.
Book one was really good, but this was so much better. Ulrich is a flawed character but he really grew on me in the first book, and here, he just shines. He is such an adorable character. Lol. His inner monologues are awesome and I love that he stays who he is no matter what!! He is a teetotaler, well more a coffeetotaler, and is a real scaredy cat ;) Despite having seen something supernatural already, he still finds it hard to believe and uns away a lot of the time. He is just awesome!!!
The plot was creepy as heck and entertaining!! By day, Exeter House is beautiful, by night it's inhabited by crazed.... things. Tormented every night, Ulrich is in a fight for, not only his life, but also his sanity.
In all, this was an excellent second book. It gripped me from the very first page and didn't let go!! This author has created some very creepy, scary mysteries that will leave you wanting more! I am so looking forward to seeing more from this character, who has quickly become one of my favourites.
Jake Urry has once again nailed his performance!! He really does have a voice that can portray the creepiness and spookiness of the book perfectly. He just knows how to read these type of books well and gives his all, all the time. He is a narrator that has made it on to my favourites list!! Highly recommend.
I received this audiobook at no-cost from Audiobookworm Promotions. This in no way affected nor influenced my thoughts.


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