Friday 25 September 2015

Minotaur by Philip W Simpson Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Welcome to my stop on the Minotaur by Philip W Simpson blog tour. This book is awesome, as you'll see from my review below!! Check out the full schedule HERE.

Minotaur by Phillip W. Simpson Publication Date: September 29, 2015 Publisher: Month9books

“Where shall I start?” asked Minotaur.
Ovid made an expansive gesture with both hands. “Where else but the beginning of course.”
Minotaur nodded his huge head. “Yes,” he said. “Yes,” his eyes already glazing over with the weight of thousand year old memories. And then he began.
So begins the story of Asterion, later known as Minotaur, the supposed half bull creature of Greek legend. Recorded by the famous Roman poet, Ovid, Asterion tells of his boyhood in Crete under the cruel hand of his stepfather Minos, his adventures with his friend, Theseus, and his growing love for the beautiful Phaedra.And of course what really happened in the labyrinth.
This is the true story of the Minotaur.

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My Thoughts:

This book was all sorts of awesomeness!! I was immediately hooked from the first page and wasn't let go till I turned the last one, and even then it stayed in my thoughts for days. 

I love everything mythology based so was very eager to start this, and let me tell you, this was a fascinating take on the Minotaur myth. There isn't much I can say about the plot that isn't covered in the synopsis so I'll get straight to my thoughts.

Asterion is an amazing character. He is born after King Minos kills a white bull sent to him by Poseidon. When Minos sees that Ast has bull horns, he immediately starts saying that he is the result of a union between his wife and the white bull, though he knows 
that it is Poseidons punishment for what he did. Minos hates Ast and either ignores him or makes his life a misery. My heart broke so many times for what Ast went through!! It's already hard for him to have the horns but add in his fathers hatred and it's heartbreaking. 

The story that Ast tells Ovid had me glued to the pages. It almost felt like you are reading a true account of what happened, and who knows, maybe it is true ;) Ovid upon hearing the tale starts out skeptical but even he can tell that Ast speaks from the heart. He documents everything that he is told and the story unravels slowly. I loved how we go from the Minotaurs story to Ovids reaction every so often. I was so engrossed in the tale myself that it was nice to get a breather and just take it all in!

There is so much happening in the story that you will devour this book. I was so sad to see it end because it's simply that good! The mythology of the Minotaur aside, we also have Poseidon, Daedalus and Icarus, forbidden love, brother bonds, action and adventure aplenty. It is everything a great book needs, and more!! 

In all, I was swept away on an amazing journey to ancient Greece, I was engrossed in the stupendous world this author created and simply adored this book. I can't recommend it enough so all I'll say is go buy it!!! You won't regret it. 


Phillip W. Simpson is the author of many novels, chapter books and other stories for children. His publishers include Macmillan, Penguin, Pearson, Cengage, Raintree and Oxford University Press.He received both his undergraduate degree in Ancient History and Archaeology and his Masters (Hons) degree in Archaeology from the University of Auckland.Before embarking on his writing career, he joined the army as an officer cadet, owned a comic shop and worked in recruitment in both the UK and Australia.His first young adult novel, Rapture (Rapture Trilogy #1), was shortlisted for the Sir Julius Vogel Awards for best Youth novel in 2012.
He is represented by Vicki Marsdon at Wordlink literary agency.
When not writing, he works as a school teacher.Phillip lives and writes in Auckland, New Zealand with his wife Rose, their son, Jack and their two border terriers, Whiskey and Raffles. He loves fishing, reading, movies, football (soccer) and single malt Whiskeys.

Connect with the Author:  Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Giveaway Information:

  • Five (5) winners will receive a digital copy of Minotaur by Phillip W. Simpson (INT)

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