Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Damned Either Way by Erin Hayes Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Damned Either Way
Erin Hayes
(The Harker Trilogy, #3)
Publication date: May 31st 2017
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

The thrilling conclusion to The Harker Trilogy
I’m finally free of my family’s curse.
Except now, the world is ending. FML.

Anthony, the vampire that killed my sister and my brother-in-law, has won. I’ve lost everything. I no longer have my powers. I have no idea where Amelia is. And the vampire I love has surrendered to the hunger that is throwing the world into chaos.
The worst part? I can’t do anything about it, because I’m no longer the Harker. Sure, I’m not dying anymore, but I’m barely living at this point.
But there may be one last chance to save us all. If only I can find it in me to make one final sacrifice.

The complete trilogy is on sale for only $0.99 until June 5th!
Previous books in the series:


The Twinkie is mushed and some of the cream is coming out, but as I pull it out of the wrapper, I can’t help but be gentle.
I found the single-serve pastry in a hollowed-out convenience store in downtown Birmingham a few days back. It’s the only thing resembling a cake that we’ve found on our way to Austin. In the aftermath of the apocalypse, all the grocery stores are empty as everyone panicked and stole every little thing they could get their hands on. Many of them are now hiding out in their houses during the night.
Those that are alive anyways.
I could make a cake myself, but we are never in one place long enough for me to find an oven and make one. With one arm, it’s a little…hard.
Besides, this is just a small ritual that I want to do myself. I don’t need to decorate it. I just need to…pay tribute. With the only kind of food that would survive the apocalypse.
I light the candle that I stuck in it, its soft glow flickering in the dying light. I give a small smile, feeling my heart break.
“Happy birthday, Amelia.”

Author Bio:
Sci-fi junkie, video game nerd, and wannabe manga artist Erin Hayes writes a lot of things. Sometimes she writes books.
She works as an advertising copywriter by day, and she's an award-winning New York Times Bestselling Author by night. She has lived in New Zealand, Hawaii, Texas, Alabama, and now San Francisco with her husband, cat, and a growing collection of geek paraphernalia.
You can reach her at and she’ll be happy to chat. Especially if you want to debate Star Wars.

Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
  • $50 Amazon gift card


Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Author Interview: Martyn J. Pass and Giveaway! #MayhemFeature

Please welcome Martyn J. Pass to the blog! Martyn is an indie author and though I haven't read any of his books, yet, they sound like something I'd enjoy!! 

Martyn J. Pass works as a metal worker in the United Kingdom. He's the father of two children and is the author of over 10 books including 'Project 16', 'The Brink' and 'The Wolf and the Bear'. Apart from adding to the ever growing 'Tales from the Brink' post-apocalyptic series, he's also penned romance, crime and detective fiction.

Twitter: martynjpass

Author Interview: 

Where do your ideas come from?
I'm never quite sure to be honest! As a writer it's important to read A LOT but I also enjoy movies and video games so the well of ideas is constantly being replenished with new images, thoughts and words. I also try to live as varied a life as I can and gather new experiences I can draw upon.

How do you develop your writing ideas?
I try to spend a lot of time thinking and processing an idea once I've had it. That happens a lot when I'm walking the dog and listening to music. Having a well stocked Spotify account is vital to developing my characters and stories.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?
I don't. They find me. ALL of my characters seemed to appear out of nowhere, demanding that I tell their story and I'm happy to oblige. Some days I'm really shocked by what one of my characters says or does - it's like they have a life of their own.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
When I was about 14. That's not some cheesy cliche - that's the truth! I used to rewrite movies I'd seen on sides of A4 paper and my first go with a keyboard was on my mum's old typewriter. Been doing it ever since.

What makes you unique as a writer?
I think all writers are unique - they have their own individual perspective on life that no one else has. For me, I'm character driven in every book. I never plot a story, I start with a person or people and go from there. I think that gives my books likability and a connection to the reader that you might not otherwise get with most writers.

Describe your book in 140 characters or less.
The last Englishman meets a former US Ranger who join forces to stop a terrorist attack in post-apocalyptic Britain.

Tell us about the main character(s)
Miller has lived on his own in the ruins of England for most of his life. He was trained by his father to thrive in that environment and work on behalf of the US Government to rescue looters from within the country. This life is turned upside down when former US Ranger Claudia Riley arrives on the scene and needs his help.

Where do you find/come up with your characters names?
Most names usually have a link to someone or something in my life. Other times they're just random. 

What writers inspire/d you?
Mark Twain and Cormac MacCarthy. Legends in their own right.

How has your writing career changed since you started?
It got harder! Building a fan base has its price to pay and keeping a series like 'Tales from the Brink' from turning into a disaster has been both exciting and terrifying. People love these books and I don't want to let my readers down!

What does your writing process look like?

It looks like a weird, angry man sat in his chair trying to block out the rest of the world. Everything and everyone around me is put on hold until I've completed the first draft on my tablet. 

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
My quirk is that I tend to put references for friends and family to find in each book.

What are your writing goals for the next year?
To get at least four more books out in 2018. I'm on target for four this year so I'd like to keep the pace going.

What is the most useful tool you use as a writer?
A word processor!!! I don't know how people write books in long hand and ever finish. Bah!

Name the five biggest distractions from your writing.

1) Human beings 2)Work 3)Money problems 4)My phone 5)The internet

What character would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?
Gandalf from Lord Of The Rings. That would be funny and life changing. If I had to pick one of my own then it'd be Riley. She's a legend.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I get some great emails from my readers and of course I read all my reviews. If they've taken the time to read and write something nice then the least I can do is check it out. When a reader says that they've connected to a character in a big way then I know I've done my job. A lot of people relate well to Alan Harding and his dog Moll. I love that! The whole point of being a story teller is to improve someone else's life if only for the duration of the tale. To have this kind of impact is very special.
I do get the odd one star reader who's just out for blood. Those guys don't get more than a glance from me.

Some Get to know me Questions

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I spend a lot of time outdoors. I hike, camp and play paintball. I also hit the gym a lot and keep trim. Of course, I'm always reading and I fit a few movies in now and again.

What’s the best vacation you ever had?
Wales. Any of the times I've been in Wales. I love the countryside there and a lot of it appears in my books.

What’s your favourite rainy day movie?
Bladerunner. 'Nuff said.

If you could be any age again for a week, which would you choose and why?
I kind of like being 34 right now. I feel like I've hit my prime. Keep me here as long as possible!

If you could have personally witnessed one event in history, what would it be?
I'd have liked to have seen my mum and dad meet if I'm honest. Knowing how important that moment was to me would make it strange and interesting to witness.

What's you favourite place to read?
In my study in an old leather chair with the sunlight coming in through the window and a faint summer breeze. Bliss.

When you walk into a book store, where do you head first?
The sci-fi section just on the off chance any of my books are there.

If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy?

The enormous farm house at the end of my road I've dreamed about for years. It's where I want to retire to write more.

Some of Martyn's books, click the picture to go to Goodreads.

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These sound awesome and I can't wait to read them all!! Which one do you think you would read?? Don't forget to enter the giveaway, and keep commenting because winners will be chosen at random from the commentators during May!

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Blogger Interview: Paul from Audio Book Reviewer and Giveaway! #MayhemFeature

Welcome to another blogger interview. This time I'd like to introduce you to Paul, from Audio Book Reviewer. I found his website about a year and a half ago and visit it regularly for recommendations. He and his team always have something reviewed that catches my attention!! 

About Paul 

Paul is a quiet man who shares his passion of books through reviews assisting others select books through honest and professional reviews. Having built a team of professional reviewers, Audiobookreviewer (ABR) is the result of his passion of reading/listening of books. His family consists of a wife, 2 cats, and 2 African Grey parrots ( More frequently than not, you will see Paul plugged into the audio of his technology listening to books while riding his bike 100+ miles, tending to a huge fruit and vegetable garden, growing bonsai trees and operating his own largest online bonsai magazine (


Blogger Interview: 

1) Tell us a bit about yourself?
I am a former meat eating vegetarian with vegan tendencies. I am a quiet man who shares my passion of books through reviews assisting others select books through honest and professional reviews.  Having built a team of professional reviewers, Audiobookreviewer (ABR) is the result of my passion of reading/listening of books.  His family consists of a wife, 2 cats, and 2 African Grey parrots ( More frequently than not, you will see Paul plugged into the audio of his technology listening to books while riding his bike 100+ miles, tending to a huge fruit and vegetable garden, and growing bonsai trees.

2) How and why did you get into reviewing audiobooks?
I was blogging for years on different subjects and loved it. Mostly because it helped me keep my web design and coding skills up to date. I stumbled across Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry and devoured it. I couldn't get enough. I went looking for sites to help me decide on the next one I should get and found very few audiobook review blogs. So I started one.

3) Can you tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in blogging?
Somehow, even though I thought I was being a rebellious punk rocker, had a ridiculous work ethic instilled into me from my parents. Along with the ability to lead people along a mutual beneficial path. Even though this is also my downfall. Sometimes I work too hard and get tunnel vision and forget to respect others.

4) How do you manage time to run your blog efficiently?
Just go, go, go, almost non-stop. I am very fortunate that my day job allows me to be on the interent all day and take a few moments to do personal things. In the beginning I spent a lot more time than I do now on the blog.

5) Tell me about your reviewing style and how long it takes you to write up a review?
My style has evolved a lot over the years. But a couple of general things has stayed constant. 1. HONESTY, without being mean, I am not out to make friends. I am here to help other find an audiobook that they might like. Then I always try to go over these four things about each book. 1. My thoughts, or preconceptions, going into the listen. 2. A very very brief plot summary. 3. The narration, I am reviewing audiobooks and the narration is just as important if not more so than the writing. 4. Anything that stood out to me as particularly brilliant or surprising or the like. Oh and 5. No spoilers if at all possible.

6) Who has impacted you most in blogging and how?
When I first started I followed The Guilded Earlobe ( he helped me immensely. He pushed me to promote ABR in places I didn't know about such as The Audiobook Jukebox ( He also helped me get connected to publishers for review copies of audiobooks.

7) What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?
Really, with the life that I lived in my youth. I should be dead or in jail. Not sure how either of those didn't happen. So I guess my greatest achievement may be the huge number of experiences that I have had. I mean I went from being homeless to a business owner. I have traveled over seas. I have been part of many questionable situations.

8) What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?
Trying to keep the blog fresh and interesting. Not getting bogged down with review requests. Managing all those requests. Managing others. Making connections. As most bloggers know. Blogging is not easy. Some days it is a challenge to think about blogging other it is hard to stop.

9) What do you find the most frustrating aspect of blogging?
Finding like minded enthusiastic folks that love audiobooks.

10) Did you have any professional help or did you created the blog yourself?
I created ABR out of my imagination and continue to develop it in different ways. The only help I get is from the team of reviewers that contribute their reviews to the site.

Favourite book/s?
The entire Joe Ledger, Adrian's Undead Diary, Zombie Fallout series and The Martian. To name a few.

Favourite narrator/s?
Oh man, I know I am going to forget a couple but here are my go-to's: RC Bray, Luke Daniels, James Foster, Stefan Rudnicki, Ray Porter, Julia Whelan, Cassandra Campbell, 

What do you like to do when you're not reading?
Honestly not very much.

Some Get to know me Questions:

What’s your favourite rainy day movie?
I have quite a few, movie are my next favorite next to audiobooks. My wife and I watch several every weekend. Here are some that I own and will watch with very little prodding.
Star Wars, any of them.
Road House
True Lies

If you could be any age again for a week, which would you choose and why?
Nope, somehow I made it this far and am still alive. And maybe that is my reward, so no going back for me.

What's you favourite place to read?
This is almost a trick question. I do not read, I can, but I prefer to listen. So, my favorite place to listen in on my bike. Either to or from work, or around town, racing down the bike path with not a care in the world except for what is right in front of me and right in my ears.

When you walk into a book store, where do you head first?
Honestly, I do not do this very often. But when I do, I usually head to the cookbooks. Because I love to cook or the magazines, because there is so much variety.

If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy?

I would probably start some sort of animal sanctuary. Either pigs or parrots or farm foul or something. I just know that I love animals in a way that few others seem to. Then I could work there and continue to listen to my fill of audiobooks.

Thank you Paul for stopping by!! You should check out his blog and reviews! Paul also publishes his grandfathers books, check them out here:

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Aiding the Dragon by Jessie Donovan Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Aiding the Dragon
Jessie Donovan
(Stonefire Dragons #9)
Publication date: May 25th 2017
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal

Teagan O’Shea is a rare female dragon-shifter leader. While her Irish clan has a tradition of female leaders, they have always had to hide behind a male face publicly to prevent the other clans from viewing them as weaker and then attacking. When the truth leaks, Teagan is faced with a choice—hand over the leadership to a male or invite the challengers to a leadership trial and earn her place. Out to prove having a penis isn’t required to be a leader, she picks the latter.
Aaron Caruso is sent to Ireland under the guise of repairing relations between two clans on the isle of Ireland. However, upon arrival he learns the truth. Determined to secure Teagan’s place so he can escape her alluring eyes and addicting personality, he busies himself with helping her any way he can. A female used him once and he’s not about to go through that again, no matter how much the Irish female tempts him.
As the pair work together on preparations for the leadership trial, both Aaron and Teagan start to see each other in a new light. Both have their own self-imposed loneliness and yearn for something they can’t have. Can Aaron and Teagan not only change tradition but also open their hearts? Or will they each be doomed to live alone to fight their inner battles?

Twisting the knob, Teagan entered the small room. Aaron’s back was to her. While she appreciated his broad shoulders and his thick, dark hair, she smiled at how he was tapping his fingers. He always did that when it came to meeting with her, either in person or via a video conference. “Just make sure not to wear down my table with your nails.”
Aaron’s movements stopped. He turned and Teagan hid her surprise. The male had grown a close-cut beard since the last time she’d seen him. The dark whiskers made him look wiser.
And maybe a wee bit sexier. Not that she’d ever tell him that.
Then he frowned and she banished that thought. Grumpy wasn’t what she needed, among many other things.
Aaron growled, “I wouldn’t have to tap my fingers in the first place if you were on time.”
Killian took a step toward Aaron, but Teagan put up a hand. “I’ll deal with him. Eliza is waiting for you. Go with her and search Sadie’s things. Update me on any developments.”
Her brother nodded and exited the room. Like most males in her clan, he obeyed her orders without question.
Aaron, on the other hand, leaned back in his chair and propped his feet on the table. “Should I get comfortable whilst you use a power play to assert your dominance? Or are you actually going to tell me why I’m here?”
She walked up to his feet and pushed them off the table. “Keep your dirty bloody boots on the floor. Do that again, and I’ll make sure you always have a bucket and rag to clean up after yourself.”
His pupils flashed to slits and back, signaling he was talking to his dragon. “I’m not here to clean.”
She shrugged. “The way I understand it, you’re here to help me for the next few weeks. Bram didn’t say cleaning was off-limits.”
Aaron stood. His dark brown eyes met her green. They were exactly the same height, which was a nice change. Teagan was tall, even by female dragon-shifter standards.
She barely had time to note the flecks in his eyes when he spat out, “Cleaning is off-limits. As is babysitting or being assigned entry-level guard duty. I’m a trained Protector. If it’s not related to my job, then I’ll refuse to do it.”
She raised an eyebrow. “And what? Disappoint your clan leader and destroy his hard work at trying to strengthen our alliance?”
“Bram would see it my way. Besides, you need this alliance more than we do. We already have Lochguard at our back. Who do you have?”
His words stung and her dragon stood at attention.
He was correct that she needed the alliance, but she wasn’t about to put up with bullshit to achieve it. That was the wrong message to send to Stonefire.
She had dealt with many a male acting like Aaron Caruso. She knew what to do.
Fisting his shirt, she pulled him close. For a split second, her dragon reveled in his scent and the heat of his body so close to theirs, but Teagan quickly pushed her beast to the back of her mind. As Aaron’s eyes flashed, she swept his legs with her own. Aaron lost his balance and Teagan guided him to the floor, face down. With his hands behind him and her knee in his lower back, she leaned down to his ear and whispered, “Just because I’m female doesn’t mean you will treat me as any less of a clan leader, understood?”
He turned his head to meet her eyes. “I’m not doing it because you’re female. I’m doing it because you’re irritating.”
Resisting the urge to press a talon against his throat, she replied, “That just earned you guard duty. Maybe twenty-four hours without sleep will teach you a lesson in etiquette.”
She withdrew a key from her pocket and released Aaron. Before he could do more than rise to his hands and knees, she dashed out the sole door and locked it.
His voice was muffled through the door. “Let me out, bloody woman. This isn’t how you treat a guest.”
“Aye, you’re right. It’s how I treat a pest.”

Author Bio:
Sign up for Jessie's newsletter and never miss a release or special:
Jessie Donovan wrote her first story at age five, and after discovering the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey in junior high, realized that people actually wanted to read stories like those floating around inside her head. From there on out, she was determined to tap into her over-active imagination and write a book someday.
After living abroad for five years and earning degrees in Japanese, Anthropology, and Secondary Education, she buckled down and finally wrote her first full-length book. While that story will never see the light of day, it laid the world-building groundwork of what would become her debut paranormal romance, Blaze of Secrets. In late 2014, she became a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author.
Jessie loves to interact with readers. When not reading a book or traipsing around some foreign country on a shoestring, can often be found on Facebook.

Blitz-wide giveaway (Open to: US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand)
  • Signed paperback of Sacrificed to the Dragon, one Stonefire Dragons mug, one each of a Stonefire & Lochguard wristband, and $25 Gift card to Amazon or iTunes


Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Narrator Interview: Jake Urry and Giveaway! #MayhemFeature

Please welcome Narrator Jake Urry to the blog. When I first listened to a book narrated by him, I actually thought it was someone much older talking. I was surprised to see how young he was!! Lol. He definitely has a distinctive tone. Every one I've listened to by him, has been a 5 star read.

I’m a British actor and audiobook narrator, and also co-founder of Just Some Theatre. Since graduating from an Acting degree course in 2012 I’ve toured with Just Some Theatre as an actor and producer, worked on a number of commercial and non-commercial voice over projects and most recently started producing Audiobooks.

Photos by Tom Barker Photography.


Here's a sample of his work:

Narrator Interview:

> 1) How many books have you narrated?
17 so far, and 5 more in the pipeline, I'm hoping to get to 30 by the end of this year!

> 2) Out of them, have you a specific genre you like best?
The 3 main genres I produce are Thriller, Horror and Mystery, and I love them all! But I'd go with Mystery if I had to choose. I love setting a mysterious tone and narrating tense 'revelations' towards the end of mysteries!

> 3) How do you choose the books you want to narrate?
I audition for things that I think I can take the listener on a journey with, and always look out for interesting characters and voices in the book when I'm deciding. I've been really lucky to get work by some amazing writers who create a great atmosphere for me to explore and translate into a dramatic listen!

I also like to find stories with strong female characters, as I don't like hearing male narrators give typical high pitched readings of potentially powerful female roles.

> 4) Take us through a typical audition that you do? How do you prepare?
I have the luxury of recording auditions so don't have the pressure of a 'live' audition. This is great for me because I can tweak and perfect things before sending them off. So I start off by finding a section with a few different character voices in if possible, then try a few different things before recording the final reading.

> 5) How do you keep track of the different character tones/voices?
It can be tricky but usually the characters I get to work with are strong and distinct in the text, which makes it easier for me to give them a distinctive voice. I'll sometimes record short samples for each character on my phone and when they come up in the reading I can quickly check the voice I gave them and carry on. The most difficult characters are ones that show up for a few lines early on in the book and then disappear, only to come back later on, so I have to try and find that particular voice again - that's when those phone recordings are most handy!

> 6) Do you read the book before starting the narration or fly by the seat of your pants?
It depends on the book. If I've recorded work by the author before then I'm used to their writing and can usually just find the main character voices and get straight into recording. If it's a new author I'll usually read the whole text and make some decisions before going in. But I like to 'fly by the seat of my pants' most of the time, as I think it adds to the feeling that I'm experiencing the story for the first time, just like the listener.

> 7) Best and worst thing about being a narrator?
The best thing for me at the moment is the excitement before going to 'work' and the exhausted feeling after a day in the studio! I just love narrating and playing with different voices and to call it my full time job is a dream come true!

Having said that... the worst part for me is definitely the editing process! I edit all my own stuff and it can take forever. Finding the motivation to edit from home can be a struggle but it's worth it when the books get released!

> 8) Who's your favourite narrator/s?
I can listen to Stephen Fry all day! But a less cliché choice would be Samuel West, who's reading of 1984 got me hooked on audiobooks. I also hugely admire 'one off' narrations like Helena Bonham Carter's reading of Anne Frank's Diary, really powerful stuff!

> 9) Is there any narrator you'd love to work with?
Too many to choose from! But I'd like to do a half male half female narrated book someday, I think those can work really well. Maybe with Cate Blanchett... it's good to have ambition!

> 10) What are you working on now?
I'm currently working on a 12+ hour epic fantasy called Greatshadow by James Maxey - it's a real action packed rollercoaster full of big characters, and I'm particularly enjoying voicing enormous ageless dragons! After that I have a few books lined up by authors I've worked with before, along with some new faces, so it's very busy right now!

> 11) Any tips for aspiring narrators?
I would just advise them to listen to any and every audiobook they can and get a good feel for the work they want to produce. Find a few genres that work well with your voice and get a good base before branching out to different genres. I'd also say that it can be very hard to make a career out of narrating, but it is possible if you want it enough!

> What do you like to do when you're not narrating?
I love travelling when I get chance, and really enjoy walking with a good audiobook. I also co-run Just Some Theatre Company and love working on original stage productions with them!

Some Get to know me Questions: 

> What’s the best vacation you ever had?
I had an amazing family holiday in the French Alps when I was younger and will be almost of revisiting it this year across the border in Switzerland, so really looking forward to that!

> What’s your favourite rainy day movie?
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey - always makes me emotional, and the animals are better actors than the humans!

> If you could be any age again for a week, which would you choose and why?
I'd go back to my teens and tell myself to give up geography and biology and focus on Drama and English! It would have saved a lot of wasted time!

> If you could have personally witnessed one event in history, what would it be?
I'd love to go back and see Shakespeare acting in Macbeth at the Globe - sitting in the balcony of course! I'd try and get him to sign the script for me too, that'd make a fair bit on eBay...

> What's you favourite place to read?
To be very specific, by a small isolated lake in Langdale in the UK's Lake District, in the summer. With some chilled white wine. And a cigar.

But failing that, anywhere quiet and preferably outdoors in the sun!

> When you walk into a book store, where do you head first?
Honesty, I go straight for the stationery and gifts! But then I'll most likely head for the drama section and probably the maps too. I don't tend to read many physical books in my spare time now that it's become a career, but I love finding new scripts and old maps!

> If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A recording studio! I'd love to set up an audiobook production studio focussing on new narrators and authors, giving up and coming narrators chances like I was lucky enough to get last year. It's a pipe dream but dreams come true sometimes!

And I'd probably get a house in the country and fill it with dogs!

> What are some things about you that would surprise people if they knew?
I'm a big fan of Rupaul's Drag Race - it's hilarious! My housemate and I are going to see a past contestant, Courtney Act, performing in a few weeks time, we're hoping it'll be outrageous.

Thanks so much, Jake, for stopping by the blog. Guys, check out some of my reviews from books that were narrated by Jake. 

The Cryptic Lines:
Transmission: A Supernatural Thriller:
The Black Talisman:

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Seeker by Veronica Rossi Nerd Blast and Giveaway!

Series: Riders (Book 2)
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Tor Teen (May 16, 2017)


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Veronica Rossi's new fantasy adventure in the Rider series—Seeker .
When Daryn claimed she was seeing visions during her sophomore year of high school, no one believed the truth. She wasn't losing her mind, she was gaining the Sight the ability to see the future. If she just paid attention to the visions, they'd provide her with clues and show her how she could help people. Really help them. Daryn embraced her role as a Seeker. The work she did was important. She saved lives.
Until Sebastian.
Sebastian was her first and worst mistake.
Since the moment she inadvertently sealed him in a dark dimension with Samrael the last surviving demon in the Kindred guilt has plagued her. Daryn knows Sebastian is alive and waiting for help. It's up to her to rescue him. But now that she needs the Sight more than ever to guide her, the visions have stopped.
Daryn must rely on her instincts, her intelligence, and on blind faith to lead the riders who are counting on her in search of Sebastian. As they delve into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems and where Samrael is steadily amassing power, Daryn faces the ultimate test. Will she have to become evil to destroy evil? The very fate of humankind rests in the answer.

Praise for THE SEEKERS

"The feeling of imminent danger and the constant battles with terrifying creatures help bring this vivid story to life. However, the depth of characterization is what will make readers connect to this small group of teens on a mission to save humanity. Gideon and Daryn display a powerful chemistry from their very first meeting, while the personality conflicts between Gideon and his fellow horsemen keep this adventure both intense and humorous."―RT Book Reviews, Top Pick!


Veronica Rossi is a best selling author of fiction for young adults. Her debut novel, UNDER THE NEVER SKY, was the first in a post-apocalyptic trilogy. Released in January 2012, it was deemed one of the Best Books of Year by School Library Journal. The series appeared in the NY Times and USA Today best seller lists and was published in over 25 foreign markets.
Her second series for young adults will begin with RIDERS (published February 16, 2016), the story of four modern day teens who become incarnations of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, and the prophetic girl who brings them together.
Veronica completed her undergraduate studies at UCLA and then went on to study fine art at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco. She is a lifelong reader and artist. Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she has lived in Mexico, Venezuela, and all over the United States, to finally settle in Northern California with her husband and two sons.
When not writing, Veronica enjoys reading (it’s worth repeating), painting, and running. She does NOT like anything involving numbers, the addition of them, subtraction of them, you name it. They terrify her. Her obsessions generally lead to fictional works. Currently, she’s exploring New York City during the Revolutionary War.
Don’t tread on me. (If you know what that means, then you are my people!)
What else? This is getting more fun, isn’t it?
She–okay, I–am a huge fan of the SF Giants and the Golden State Warriors. I know, I know. Book types and sporty types shouldn’t be one in the same, but what can I say? I’m breaking the mold. Continuing. I have an irrational love of elephants. They make me cry, but it’s the best kind of cry. On other end of the spectrum, I abhor the shrill squeak styrofoam makes when it’s coming out of a box. Just typing that sentence made me want to scream. Needless to say, Christmas is great, but also really tough on me.
It’s probably time to wrap this up. If you’re here, it’s likely because you’ve read one of my books, or because you’re thinking about reading one of my books. Either way, thank you. Writing fulfills me like nothing else and I feel exceedingly fortunate to also call it my profession.

Photo Content Taken from Veronica Rossi

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10 Winners will receive a Copy of SEEKERS and Swag (Glow in the Dark Bracelet and Stickers) by Veronica Rossi