Monday, 18 September 2017

Nicholas Sansbury Smith Author Feature and Giveaway!

Welcome to all things Nicholas Sansbury Smith!! For the next couple of days I'll be featuring my reviews of his books that I've read, and having a giveaway!! I bought Extinction Horizon not long after it first came out and proceeded to buy each installment in audio when I could. It was only at the start of this year that I had no book for review and decided to start book 1, well, over the course of a week, I flew through them. They were breathtakingly brilliant!! I devoured them and was left with a major book hangover!! I then bought his Hell Divers series and Trackers series, haven't listened to Hell Divers yet but I read the Trackers series and it was amazing!! It was frighteningly real and captivated me. 

This author has firmly been placed in my favourite author list and I want to try to get more readers his way! Trust me, you won't be sorry!! Anyway, from tomorrow on, I'll post a review a day and when they are done, I will have an interview with the man behind the amazing writing!! I'm also hosting a giveaway throughout the feature for a signed book of choice from Nicholas and some ecopies of his book. You can enter today, and each day after the giveaway will be included with the reviews. Hope you enjoy the reviews and let me know if you have read/would read any of his books!!

Nicholas Sansbury Smith is the USA Today bestselling author of the Hell Divers trilogy, the Orbs trilogy, and the Extinction Cycle series. He worked for Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management in disaster mitigation before switching careers to focus on his one true passion—writing. When he isn’t writing or daydreaming about the apocalypse, he enjoys running, biking, spending time with his family, and traveling the world. He is an Ironman triathlete and lives in Iowa with his fiancée, their dogs, and a house full of books.
Nicholas would love to hear from you. Connect with him at the following places

Check out his series and let me know in the comments which one you would start with?

As I said, I'm doing a giveaway for a signed copy of any of Nicholas's books (Open to US only) from his store and some eCopies of his books. Enter below and please share! 



  1. Wow love the sound of some of these books, already added some to my Want To Read!

    1. You'd love the Trackers series Sandra!! They are right up your alley.

  2. I've got all of his books, Natalie. Fantastic reading and thank you for featuring him on your blog. ~Lisa
