Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Canvas Bound by Laura M. Kolar Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Canvas Bound by Laura M. Kolar (Captive Art #1) Publication date: July 3rd 2013 Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult

Sixteen-year-old Libby Tanner’s art comes to life. Her painted skies turn from day to night, leaves rustle on trees, and sometimes, a mystery boy appears.While attending England’s Aldridge Art Academy, Libby meets charming Brent Henderson, a performing arts student who showers her with attention. But his rival, gorgeous Dean James, is the one who occupies her mind, even though he’s very much attached to his current girlfriend.Libby soon learns there’s more to both Brent and Dean than she ever imagined. In order to save her future and the boy who’s captured her heart, she must unlock the secrets behind her art by entering the most dangerous place of all… the world within her paintings.But once she steps into the canvas, she risks being trapped forever.

(The book will be on sale for 0.99c during the blitz.)

Guest Post:

Hello readers! I thought I’d step away from the normal guest blog post about writing or how I got published and tell you a story about my very precocious daughter. She’s much funnier than I am and makes me laugh every day. She’s constantly making up stories or songs and when she speaks, I have to remind myself she’s only eight.
We have about a twenty-minute drive to school each day and one of her favorite things is to play car games like I Spy, Hangman, Alphabet, etc. One day, we were playing Guess the Animal. The rules are pretty simple, you get four to five yes or no questions like does it have fur, does it have a tail, does it live in the ocean, and then four to five  guesses (or more depending on how long she wants to play) as to what the animal is. Now, my daughter likes you to be very specific, for example, if you say bear, she wants to know what kind of bear.
On this particular morning, I have it down to a goat, but she wants me to figure out what kind of goat. Does anyone out there really know all the different kinds of goats? I don’t, but I tried to guess anyway, pigmy goat, mountain goat, and so on until we finally get to school and my time is up. She grabs her backpack and opens the car door, but I still don’t know what kind of goat she wanted me to guess. So I ask her, “Sweetheart, aren’t you going to tell me what kind of goat it was?”
“Oh, a three-legged one. It’s a thing. I saw it.” Then she hops out of the car and runs off to meet her friends.
A three legged goat! How is that a thing?
Yes, I admit there have been times I’ve let her cheat to win a board game or purposely run slow in a race to the swings, but this was different. Though, as I sat there trying to think of the best way to explain to her later about playing by the rules, I decided it just wasn’t worth it. The game wasn’t really about following rules, it was about giving her my attention and not turning on the radio or talking on the phone to someone else, which is what she’ll remember, that I spent time with her, whether or not the three-legged goat exists.
Besides, it’s better than the time she expected my mom to guess the title of a song she’d just made up, or the time I lost hangman because she decided to spell a word her own way. One thing is for sure, she has no lack of imagination (just like her mother).

Laura M. Kolar lives with her husband and daughter in a one-stop-light town in northern-lower Michigan. Though she didn't discover her love of books until she turned thirty, as a self-declared hopeless romantic, she has spent the past few years reading and writing stories with mostly happy endings. If not at her day-job or with her family, you will find her sipping a cup of chai latte while sitting in her favorite rocking chair, hunched over her laptop writing or spending entirely too much time on Twitter.
Author links: 


Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
  • $25 Amazon Gift Certificate
  • $10 Amazon Gift Certificate
  • $5 Amazon Gift Certificate

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