This is my stop during the book blitz for Swords & Stilettos by Kristin D. Van Risseghem. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 4 till 10 January. You can see the tour schedule here.
Swords & Stilettos (Enlighten #1)
by Kristin D. Van Risseghem
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: December 7, 2016
Zoe Jabril needs to devise a kick-ass plan to save the world ASAP. Otherwise, Armageddon starts the day she turns eighteen—and if that happens, everything is going to hell. Literally.
She could be any other 17-year-old attending parties and checking out cute guys—except she discovers her best friend is a Guardian Angel and the boy she crushes on is a Nephilim, both sent to protect her from the demons who want her dead.
Now Zoe has to deal with growing feelings toward the Nephilim, who spreads a strange electrical current through her body every time he touches her. And she’s under constant attack from Demons, trying to stop her from fulfilling the Prophecy: a girl will be born who will unite Angels, Nephilim, Fairies and Werewolves to battle evil. Then she has to control newly found talents if she’s to prevent the devil from escaping Hell.
You can find Swords & Stilettos on Goodreads
You can buy Swords & Stilettos here:
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You can get a free book if you join Kristin her newsletter. Get your free copy of The Prince, a Betrayal, & a Kiss here on instafreebie.
In the shadows to my left, a dark-clothed figure emerged out of my captor’s sight, his index finger pressed to his lips. The tall, mysterious man winked at me, then slid back into the darkness.
“I know all about you,” Yellow Hair said, walking backward to stand in front of me and pointing the gun at my chest. A lock of greasy hair slid down, covering half his face. “And I know what you are.”
I fought to breathe through the suffocating realization that I’d just lost my best friend, and I was about to die as well. Pain brought my world back into focus. I clutched my arm with the cuts and sat back on my feet, suddenly furious. Why was this happening? What had I ever done to these guys?
Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. Hope jumped to life. I squinted into the darkness, but there was nothing.
“Ha, ha, ha!” Yellow Hair laughed.
“No!” I said again, shaking my head as tremors wracked my body. Tears spilled down my cheeks, stinging my swollen eye, splatting water drops on the dirty cement floor. “You couldn’t have k-k—”
“Shut up,” Yellow Hair ordered. He poked the barrel against my shoulder and looked at his partner.
“Kieran can’t be . . . dead.”
“Do it already,” Nose Ring said. “Shoot her!”
“No, give me your sword,” Yellow Hair said. “I want to kill her slowly.”
Yellow Hair started to tuck the gun into the back of his jeans as a black blur passed by me and kicked Yellow Hair just as the sword exchanged hands, forcing him to drop the gun. Fighting erupted and I leaped to my feet, thinking now was my chance to find Kieran. But before I could take a step, a wave of nausea hit me and I dropped back to the ground.
The fight escalated in the dim warehouse. My eyes watered as I tried to focus on the action. I felt dizzy and lightheaded, and the scene blurred as if I were trying to see through an old plastic bottle. All I could do was sit helplessly on the cold floor, listening to the screeching of metal on metal. That’s when it dawned on me what the clanking sounds were. I’d already seen Nose Ring cleaning his sword of blood. Apparently the mysterious Guy in Black had brought one, too. I scooted backward, wanting to stay out of reach.
Fighting for breath, the three men pulled apart, and Yellow Hair sneered at the Guy in Black. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Shay Curator coming to the rescue,” he said.
The Guy in Black stepped to my side and nodded, holding my wide-eyed stare with his own, despite the insanity of what was going on.
Without taking his gaze off me, he said to Yellow Hair, “Hello, Blane,” then he turned to Nose Ring. “And Devin. What brings you out on a fine day like today?”
“Oh, you know,” Devin said, still breathing heavily. “Had some orders come down and today seems to be my lucky day.” He pointed at me, but spoke to Shay. “After searching for her for so many years, I find out she’s been right under my nose this whole time. Sam’s going to be so pleased with me.”
Devin glanced my way, then his eyes widened. A big grin stretched across his ugly face, as if he were seeing something new.
Why was he looking at me like that? I shrank away from his stare, trying to make my body as small as possible.
“Hey!” Devin said. “I knew it! I can see the—”
“You’ll always be a disappointment,” Shay told him. With that, he caught Blane by surprise, hook-kicking him hard in the stomach. Blane was launched into the air, and landed against the wall with a thud. A whole wall of metal shelving collapsed on him in a deafening crash, and one of the long support beams which had held them up slid rapidly down and pierced his chest. He grunted on impact, then lay still.
I stared in horror at the dead body, then buried my head in my hands.
“You’re going to pay for that!” Devin yelled.
Shay grinned. “Come on, then. Let’s see what you got,” he taunted as they circled each other.
USA Today bestselling and Award-Winning, Kristin D. Van Risseghem grew up in a small town along the Mississippi River with her parents and older sister. Currently, Kristin lives in Minnesota with her husband and two Calico cats. She also loves attending book clubs, going shopping, and hanging out with friends. She has come to realize that she absolutely has an addiction to purses and shoes. They are her weakness and probably has way too many of both.
In the summer months, Kristin can usually be found lounging on her boat, drinking an ice cold something. Being an avid reader of YA and Women's Literature stories, she still finds time to read a ton of books in-between writing. And in the winter months, her main goal is to stay warm from the Minnesota cold!
Kristin’s books are published by Kasian Publishing LLC.
You can find and contact Kristin here:
- Website
- Goodreads
- Amazon
- Bookbub
There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Swords & Stilettos. One winner will win a signed paperback copy of Swords & Stilettos and custom swag. Open to both USA and International.
For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
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