- Narrated by:
- Length: 6 hrs and 47 mins
- Unabridged Audiobook
- Release Date:02-08-17
- Publisher: ScareStreet.com
- Sanford Hospital. A Victorianesque monstrosity with creeping ivy and the infamous Ward E, home of the soon-to-be-dead. This is where ghost hunter Shane Ryan ends up for his burn treatments. Courtesy of the Veterans Administration system, the ex-marine is cut off from his private doctors and thrust into the arms of a hospital with one special nurse from hell, Nurse Ruth Williamson, who is as dead as they come.
- The nurse is a whole new breed of undead. She has a cadre of helpers who are loyal to the grave. Her twisted sense of mercy is death to the dying...and the living if they get in her way. And Shane Ryan is in her way.
- Gathering his new friends and a few ghostly comrades, Shane takes up arms against the unholy regiment to fight the good fight. He can't allow the nurse to continue her killing spree. Her legacy of death must be stopped. Although she has a few more tricks up her sleeve, Shane's mission is clear. The nurse must die. And stay dead. Once and for all.

My Thoughts:
Ron Ripley definitely won on the setting!! Sanford Hospital is " A Victorianesque monstrosity with creeping ivy" and it's where Shane is being sent for burn treatment following the events of the last book. It's home to more than the patients as Shane soon finds out. The infamous Ward E is home to a nurse who is only too happy to help you pass into the after life. It's up to Shane and a few of his new friends to try to get Nurse Williamson to stay dead, though this may be his toughest fight yet because it's not just the dead that are helping the Nurse, she has some fanatical living beings helping her too. Shane knows how to fight the dead, but it's the living who he needs to fear.
Even when he is down, poor Shane doesn't get a break!! He is trying to recover from the burns he received last time and is sent to this creepy hospital with no other choice than to get the treatment he needs. He is nursing his wounds and his broken heart yet trouble still finds him there! He not only has to deal with the multitude of ghosts, but also the humans who are helping her. He really has a tough time with this one and has a lot more injuries that he will need to recover from now ;)
As I said, the setting for this was awesome. An old hospital is creepy enough, but add in the fresh hell that is Nurse Ruth and you have an eerie, creepy place. Nurse Ruth was horrible. When she thinks your time is up, it's up. She kills indiscriminately, though she likes to think that she does it to ease their suffering. She has been doing it for decades and has a core group of both ghosts and humans who follow her. She is a force to be reckoned with!!
In all, this edition was just as good as the rest. Shane is on the edge and I really hope he rallies both his fighting spirit and health and comes out on top. I feel like poor Shane can't handle much more without breaking!!!! Bring on the next one.
Thom Bowers did an amazing job. He just seems to "get" these books and knows how to read it well. He is easy to listen to and I really need to check out more from him.
I was voluntarily provided this free copy by the author, narrator, or publisher. This in no way affected nor influenced my thoughts.


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