Friday 8 July 2016

It's my Blogiversary!!!!

Image result for let's celebrate

OMG, you guys!!! My little blog is 3 today!!! I can't believe it's been 3 years already since I started blogging. Here are some stats for you:

I've published 2152 posts
Had 6380 comments
My average pageviews per month is 10,000 (at least for the last while it is anyway!!)
Total page views since I started is 557,341

I'm bowled over with these stats. I don't check them regularly because I do this blog to feature the books I love or the ones I find interesting. I don't do it gather followers etc. I even stopped reviewing books here a few months ago because of time constraints and started featuring more books with more giveaways!

I do this for you! I do this to give authors and books some exposure and I sure hope you all like it! Look out for the special blogversary features and giveaways I have for ye for the next few weeks and keep a special eye out for the flash giveaways I may do here, or on my Facebook page. 

Thank you for making the last 3 years so memorable!!


  1. thank YOU for all the discoveries you helped us to make i've loved your blog since i came accross it years ago and you never disappointed me

    Happy Blogoversary and THANK YOU!!!

    1. Thanks Miki, and thank YOU for always stopping by :)

  2. Happy blogoversary! Three years is great- congratulations. Glad the blog is doing well. :)
