By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: December 15, 2015
Saven: Deception is now free on all book selling sites, so make sure to grab your copy! And there's a tour wide giveaway!
I’ve fallen hard for an alien, but he’s harboring secrets.
Massive secrets that threaten the very essence of humanity.
How can I give him my heart when his race plans on taking my future?
Sadie Owens has been slowly dying inside. Bit by bit, piece by piece, day by day. Trapped in a life she hates, she relies on only one person—herself.
Despised by her family and betrayed by an unscrupulous government, Sadie dreams of a different life. When she is chosen to participate in the government’s new social experiment, she is ecstatic at the prospect of spending six months in Thalassic City, the shiny new city under the sea.
Immediately drawn to Logan Chandler, Sadie is captivated by the beautiful boy with the ocean-blue eyes. Logan seems to embody everything that has been forbidden, but he isn’t all he appears to be.
Confused over Logan’s true intentions and concerned when best friend Jenna starts transforming in front of her eyes, Sadie partners with newcomer Jarod in a bid to uncover the government’s real agenda. The truth is more shocking than anything she could ever have imagined.
When Sadie finally understands why the Saven walk among us, will it be too late to save her heart and the human race?
You can find Saven: Deception on Goodreads
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As I approach the next Sector, I’m half-watching the rest of the news on the screen and half-lost in my obsessive inner monologue, when a hand snags my elbow and I’m yanked sideways.
I scream as a hand clamps down over my mouth and I’m hauled backward against a solid form. I’m dragged roughly through a door, my feet trailing the ground in front of me. Adrenaline surges through my veins, and I twist and turn in my captor’s arms.
“Dammit. Stop squirming. I won’t hurt you,” a gruff male voice says.
Raising my legs in front of me, I swing back and kick him in the shins. He cusses but his hold doesn’t loosen.
Of course, it doesn’t; a kick in the shins from me is probably akin to a feather-tickling.
Tugging me down a darkened passageway, he lashes out at something on the ground, and the sounds of telltale scurrying fill the air. I emit a muffled scream.
“Keep quiet or he’ll find you.”
My frantic breathing echoes in the quiet space.
“I’m going to release you if you promise not to scream. I repeat. I will not hurt you. Tap my arm in agreement.”
Reaching up, I land my hand briefly on his arm. Bunched tendons strain under my fingertips.
Slowly, he releases me and I try to get my errant breathing under control. I’m only short of a full-blown anxiety attack. “I want to show you something. Come on.” He acts as if he’s my new best friend; as if this is totally normal. Straightening up, I risk a peek at my captor. Long, shaggy, dark hair falls to his broad shoulders. Warm, brown eyes meet mine and I swallow, hard. He towers over me.
Then again, most people do.
In my head, I weigh up my chances of a successful escape as my eyes dart to the door.
“Don’t run.” He astutely assesses the situation. “I promise I won’t hurt you. It’s not safe to be out there right now. If you follow me, I’ll show you why.”
Biting down on my lip, I’m dubious, but realistic enough to know that I can’t outrun him.
“This way.”
Wary, I follow him, taking small, tentative steps. The room is large and dark and visibility is poor. My feet crunch on litter and debris as I walk across the space toward the window. A damp, squalid smell fills the air, and I slap my hand over my mouth. A few shapes are huddled over a makeshift fire in the center of the floor. Hushed voices talk lowly. Intense shuddering rocks my body and I drag in a gulp of air.
This was a bad, bad idea. I hover uncertainly.
“Look,” my captor says, beckoning me. He stares out the dirty, blackened window.
I inch toward him, careful to keep a reasonable distance. Peeking out, I spot the black and amber Police Autovee parked across the street. A formidable figure steps out, clad in the official State Police uniform. His jacket buckles under the myriad of shiny buttons adorning the front.
“That’s Commissioner Williams,” I acknowledge, recognizing him instantly. His face is always plastered over the Commi-Reels, and I feel as if I know him on a personal level. “Why is he in the Outer Circle?” I wrinkle my nose. Few dignitaries grace our shores for fear of being heckled, mugged, shot, or worse.
Gulping, I watch the scene unfolding across the pavement. A police officer appears in the doorframe clutching two clearly frightened young girls. The girls are flung roughly into the back of the Autovee, and the Commissioner climbs in the front passenger seat, glancing surreptitiously around him before the door closes. The vehicle glides away and I slump against the window. Remembering my surroundings, I flinch back and scrub my hands down my arms.
“What’s going on?” I eyeball my captor.
“I’m not quite sure, but from what I’ve gleaned so far, they show up in one of the Sectors of the Outer Circle on a nightly basis, and it’s always the same deal. Two girls taken away from their families. Never to be seen or heard from again. I saw you walk by and I was afraid they would notice you.”

Siobhan Davis writes young adult science fiction fantasy romance books, and she is the author of the Amazon bestselling True Calling series. The first book in her new Saven series was released in December 2015.
A self-professed teenager forever–at least when it comes to books, music, and films, Siobhan is totally addicted to teen fiction and superhero/blockbuster movies. She loves baking, shoes, bags, makeup, anti-wrinkle cream, anything pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, and Robert Pattinson (definitely Team Edward).
Before pursuing a full-time writing career, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in Human Resources over the last twenty years. She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.
You can find and contact Siobhan here:
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Sample chapters, quotes, reviews and book excerpts are all available to download from the authors website
- a kindle e-reader
- The Complete Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
- Signed paperbacks of Saven Deception and Saven Disclosure by Siobhan Davis
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