Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Triumph of Chaos by Jen McConnel Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Welcome to my stop on the Triumph of Chaos blog tour. I get to share an awesome Guest Post with you but there are a lot of different blogs taking part so please check out the full schedule HERE.

Triumph of Chaos (Red Magic #3)
by Jen McConnel
Publication Date:  March 8, 2016
Publisher:  Month9Books

After the disaster in Europe, Darlena’s starting to get desperate. She knows the only way todefeat Hecate and the other crazy Red Gods is by banding together with other Witches, but is it any wonder she has a hard time trusting them?
With Izzy’s support, Darlena begins making fragile strides toward repairing the mess she made,but she just can’t catch a break. As chaos runs rampant around her, Darlena begins to think that things would be better if she’d never become a Red Witch in the first place. But there’s no way to change the past…is there?
The final book in the Red Magic series brings Darlena face to face with impossible odds, and aterrifying choice.

Link to Goodreads:

Red Magic Series:

Purchase Links:

Daughter of Chaos (Red Magic #1):

Google Play | BAM | Chapters | Indies | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | TBD | iBooks

Gods of Chaos (Red Magic #2):

Google Play | BAM | Chapters | Indies | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | TBD | iBooks

Triumph of Chaos (Red Magic #3):

Google Play | BAM | Chapters | Indies | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | TBD | iBooks

Guest Post:

How to Handle Pressure: Writing Under Deadlines

I’ve always been a fan of NaNoWriMo, and that combined with juggling editorial deadlines with daily life means I’m no stranger to pressure. Even so, I only recently had the experience of actually writing under deadline, since the majority of my books so far had been completely drafted before being sold to a publisher.

My first writing under deadline experience was a huge learning curve. I had slightly over four months to produce a complete manuscript, which didn’t feel that overwhelming to me. I mean, come on, I’ve done NaNoWriMo for years, and I have a lot of tricks for breaking down writer’s block and getting words on the page, but I didn’t count on the procrastination that would come with a hard and fast deadline.

I brainstormed for the first two months, working up an outline that I eventually scrapped (I’m not usually an outliner, but I thought I’d give it a try for this project), and then writing a synopsis (or two, or three). I wanted to experiment with my process, so I tried a lot of things that felt counterintuitive to my pantser nature. By month two, I started plunking out words, but then life got in the way, and I set the project aside for a bit. That short break turned into over a month, and suddenly, I found myself thirty days away from my deadline with barely a third of the manuscript on paper.

Maybe pressure is the key to overcoming procrastination, at least some of the time. Once I realized I was running out of time, I dove back into the work, totally immersing myself in the characters and the world and churning out words whenever I had a spare moment. By the time I finished the first draft and sat down to revise it, I was sure it was a tangled mess since I’d written it so haphazardly, but I was in for a surprise. Maybe it was the experimentation, maybe it’s because I’ve been writing (and learning) for so long, but for whatever reason, my stress-induced draft was actually much better than I’d expected.

The experience taught me a lot, but the biggest thing I learned was that while I really, really, REALLY don’t like writing under the pressure of a contract, I can do it, and do it well. For a while there, I doubted that, but at the end, the words won out and the story took over. I might try writing a synopsis before drafting for my next project, but I think I’ll try to avoid procrastinating so much next time!

A Michigander by birth, Jen McConnel now makes her home in the beautiful state of North Carolina. She writes NA, including the recently released Adventures Abroad series (Bloomsbury Spark), the award winning YA novel Beautiful Curse (Swoon Romance), and various other works. When she isn’t writing, she can be found on her yoga mat or wandering off on another adventure. Once upon a time, she was a middle school teacher, a librarian, and a bookseller, but those are stories for another time. Visit to learn more!

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Giveaway Information:  Contest ends March 25, 2016

  • Five (5) winners will receive a digital copy of Triumph of Chaos (Red Magic #3) by Jen McConnel (INT)

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