Thursday, 31 March 2016

Immurement by Norma Hinkens Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Welcome to my stop on the Immurement blog tour! I got to read this and realy enjoyed it. You can see my review below, but there are a lot of other stops on the tour, so please check them out HERE

by Norma HinkensGenre: Young Adult Dystopian/Sci-fi
Release Date: December 9th 2015
Dunecadia Publishing

Summary from Goodreads:

The earth’s core overheats. The sovereign leader vanishes. A young girl is the survivors’ only hope …
What little land is habitable is patrolled by cutthroat gangs of escaped subversives, but that’s not the greatest threat facing sixteen-year-old Derry Connelly, her brother Owen, and a ragged band of Preppers holed up in a bunker in the Sawtooth Mountains. Mysterious hoverships operated by clones are targeting adolescents for extraction.
Owen, is one of the first to disappear. To save him, Derry must strike a deal with the murderous subversives, and risk a daring raid to infiltrate the heart of the extraction operation.
But will the rookie leader falter when forced to choose between her brother and a clone who ignites something inside her she didn’t know was possible?

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My Thoughts: 

So the blurb sums up the plot and I'm not adding anything else in case I spoil something, so I'll get straight to my thoughts. 

Character wise, while there is a lot of them, they were all well written and developed. Derry is spontaneous, ready for anything and will to do what's needed. She comes across at times as kind of selfish but as the story progresses we she her struggling with her thoughts, and indeed, her feelings for certain characters. She has had a tough life, but I admired her willingness to rescue her brother no matter what.

Plot wise, it's fast paced and action packed, especially the second half. I loved the world the author has created and look forward to delving deeper in the next one. We have clones, elite clones, Mad max type gangs, preppers and an assortment of awe inspiring things in what's an interesting and unique world. 

This is book one of what's sure to be a great series, and as with a lot of book ones, it's setting the scene for future books. While this didn't impact on the overall setting, I did think that the characters didn't progress as much as I'd like. Also, I found the relationship between Derry and Jakob to be a little lackluster and nothing special. 

Other than the little niggles above, this was a thoroughly entertaining read. I found myself enjoying the story and rooting for Derry to find her brother. The author and series has promise and I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here. 

About the Author

For news and special offers join Norma's VIP Reader List at
Travel junkie, former professional globetrotter, legend lover, idea wrangler. Norma Hinkens has lived, worked and visited her way across continents, soaking up stories along the way. Her writing is influenced by the resilient characters she met along the way; everyone has a story!
Norma grew up among vibrant storytelling traditions in her native Ireland. She's a legend-loving author who takes a fiendish delight in pushing reluctant characters over cliffs to find out what they’re made of. Epic odds, seemingly impossible missions, pasts that haunt, intrigue and misadventure. She’s happiest when wrangling provocative big picture ideas that are never black and white when you turn them inside out. It’s all about the tension in the journey.
She currently resides in California with her husband, three children and Chihuahua extraordinaire. She is the author of the YA post-apocalyptic Undergrounders Series: Immurement, Embattlement and Adjudgement.

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Sun and Moon by Desiree Williams Cover Reveal and Giveaway!

Sun and Moon
Desiree Williams
Publication date: April 28th 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

There is nothing in life that eighteen year old Zara craves more than her freedom. Stolen from her home in Cadrebia at the age of eight, Zara has spent more years than she cared to admit as a slave to the Tankadesh courts. Her days are filled with protecting the princess, while she spends nights entertaining the king and his officials with her mastery of weapons. Any spare moment in between, she plots escape.
Yet her hopes for freedom come to a crashing halt when a stranger arrives bearing the mark of her assigned lifemate, and he threatens war if she isn’t turned over into his care. But a lifemate is not part of the plan. Her dreams, of choosing her own path and being the master of her own will, weaken as her Moon seeks to claim his Sun.
Is it possible that this stranger, with gentle blue eyes and a ready smile, didn’t come to be her new master? That there could be more to his tale?
Zara soon finds that neither her captivity nor her parents’ deaths were mere random attacks. And by returning to Cadrebia, she may have put the future of the royal line—and her Moon—in jeopardy. While Zara breathes in her first taste of freedom, her enemies move in, seeking to rob Cadrebia of its blessed prophecy.
To keep what she holds dear, Zara must rise above the pain and uncertainty to claim the lifemate assigned to her, or more than her freedom will be stolen this time.


“What’s going on here?” Dareh dismounted from his horse and with long purposeful strides worked his way toward them. His green eyes blazed. His jaw was set. Zara would hear about this later, but for now she would welcome his rescue.
The captain of the guard surveyed the scene. He closed his eyes briefly—probably praying for patience not to strangle her—and clamped a hand on her shoulder.
“I swear, Zara,” Dareh whispered low into her ear. “You attract trouble like a siren.”
She opened her mouth with a rebuttal, but Dareh narrowed his eyes, silencing her on the spot.
“Get to the palace before you’re recognized by my men. If Melchior learns you’ve been outside the palace walls you’ll spend the night in the flogging yard. Go. Take Essie with you. I’ll sort things out here.”
Zara opened her mouth once more, but a prickling over her palm stopped the words from flowing. Heat traced the lines of her mark. Goosebumps dotted her flesh. She shivered despite the heat from the desert sun. Oh, no. Please, no.
“May I be of some assistance?”
She jerked at the rich baritone that came from behind her. The world fell away in that moment. The merchants cursing over their loss were gone. Dareh’s men waving or shouting at the crowd gathered around them—gone. Even poor Essie, standing with her jaw dangling like a loon, faded.
Zara’s senses zoned in on the man behind her. She curled her fingers to close over the crescent shaped mark that had begun to throb. Her mind screamed for her to run. Her heart was all but having a seizure. But her feet somehow managed to turn her stunned body.
Pale blue eyes were the first thing she noticed. They reminded her of the moon with a ring of dark night around them. Sun-kissed skin followed with a splash of scruff along a strong jaw. Deep brown locks fell over his forehead and touched the tips of his ears.
“Hello, my Sun.” Full lips curved into a smile, revealing perfect teeth. And just like that, all their hopeful plans for escape blew away like grains of sand on the desert floor.
Her heart crumpled.
Would she ever be free?

Author Bio:
Desiree Williams is a dreamer by day and chocoholic by night. She lives in the beautiful state of Kentucky with her husband and daughter, where she juggles life as a wannabe supermom. Desiree is a lover of food and avoider of dirty dishes. She delights in making people laugh and strives to bring hope and love with her wherever she goes.
You can find out more about Desiree and her books at


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Polaris by Beth Bowland Cover Reveal and Giveaway!


Polaris by Beth Bowland 
Publication Date: August 16, 2016 
Publisher: Tantrum Books
Welcome to the cover reveal for
Polaris by Beth Bowland
presented by Tantrum Books!

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!

Be on the look out for this fun upcoming MG title from Tantrum Books!
Bixie, Montana is in the middle of nowhere, not connected to any place, and not needed to get to any destination. But one snowy evening, a lone visitor walking down an old country road changes thirteen-year-old Aaron Martin’s life forever. Aaron thinks he’s being a Good Samaritan by inviting the nearly-frozen visitor into his home, but he’s unwittingly initiated “The Game.”
A group of Elders, known as the Council of the Legend, come together from time to time to enjoy a rousing event they playfully call “The Game.” Now, Aaron’s town is the playing board and he and his fellow townspeople are the players. The rules are simple. Win. Because if Aaron loses, he won’t just lose his family. He’ll lose his very identity.
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Available for Pre-Order: Google Play | BAM | Chapters | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | TBD | iBooks
Beth BowlandBeth Bowland, a native Ohioan, has always enjoyed reading and creating stories of her own. As a child she devoured every book she could get her hands on and spent numerous hours at the library each week. She loves writing stories for tweens and young teens and her characters are often described as quirky and fun, but always relatable. When she’s not writing, she loves watching HGTV. She has one daughter and resides in Arlington, Texas with her husband, Phillip.
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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Saven Deception by Siobhan Davis Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Saven Deception banner

Saven: Deception (The Saven Series #1)
By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: December 15, 2015

Welcome to my stop on the book blitz for Saven: Deception (The Saven Series #1) by Siobhan Davis. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 30 March till 5 April, you can view the complete blitz schedule on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours.

Saven: Deception is now free on all book selling sites, so make sure to grab your copy! And there's a tour wide giveaway!
Saven DeceptionBlurb:
I’ve fallen hard for an alien, but he’s harboring secrets.
Massive secrets that threaten the very essence of humanity.
How can I give him my heart when his race plans on taking my future?

Sadie Owens has been slowly dying inside. Bit by bit, piece by piece, day by day. Trapped in a life she hates, she relies on only one person—herself.

Despised by her family and betrayed by an unscrupulous government, Sadie dreams of a different life. When she is chosen to participate in the government’s new social experiment, she is ecstatic at the prospect of spending six months in Thalassic City, the shiny new city under the sea.

Immediately drawn to Logan Chandler, Sadie is captivated by the beautiful boy with the ocean-blue eyes. Logan seems to embody everything that has been forbidden, but he isn’t all he appears to be.

Confused over Logan’s true intentions and concerned when best friend Jenna starts transforming in front of her eyes, Sadie partners with newcomer Jarod in a bid to uncover the government’s real agenda. The truth is more shocking than anything she could ever have imagined.

When Sadie finally understands why the Saven walk among us, will it be too late to save her heart and the human race?

Teaser Saven Deception - Sadie

You can find Saven: Deception on Goodreads

You can grab your free copy of Saven Deception here:
- Amazon USA
- Amazon UK
- Amazon Canada
- Amazon Australia
- B&N
- Kobo
- iTunes


As I approach the next Sector, I’m half-watching the rest of the news on the screen and half-lost in my obsessive inner monologue, when a hand snags my elbow and I’m yanked sideways.
I scream as a hand clamps down over my mouth and I’m hauled backward against a solid form. I’m dragged roughly through a door, my feet trailing the ground in front of me. Adrenaline surges through my veins, and I twist and turn in my captor’s arms.
“Dammit. Stop squirming. I won’t hurt you,” a gruff male voice says.
Raising my legs in front of me, I swing back and kick him in the shins. He cusses but his hold doesn’t loosen.
Of course, it doesn’t; a kick in the shins from me is probably akin to a feather-tickling.
Tugging me down a darkened passageway, he lashes out at something on the ground, and the sounds of telltale scurrying fill the air. I emit a muffled scream.
“Keep quiet or he’ll find you.”
My frantic breathing echoes in the quiet space.
“I’m going to release you if you promise not to scream. I repeat. I will not hurt you. Tap my arm in agreement.”
Reaching up, I land my hand briefly on his arm. Bunched tendons strain under my fingertips.
Slowly, he releases me and I try to get my errant breathing under control. I’m only short of a full-blown anxiety attack. “I want to show you something. Come on.” He acts as if he’s my new best friend; as if this is totally normal. Straightening up, I risk a peek at my captor. Long, shaggy, dark hair falls to his broad shoulders. Warm, brown eyes meet mine and I swallow, hard. He towers over me.
Then again, most people do.
In my head, I weigh up my chances of a successful escape as my eyes dart to the door.
“Don’t run.” He astutely assesses the situation. “I promise I won’t hurt you. It’s not safe to be out there right now. If you follow me, I’ll show you why.”
Biting down on my lip, I’m dubious, but realistic enough to know that I can’t outrun him.
“This way.”
Wary, I follow him, taking small, tentative steps. The room is large and dark and visibility is poor. My feet crunch on litter and debris as I walk across the space toward the window. A damp, squalid smell fills the air, and I slap my hand over my mouth. A few shapes are huddled over a makeshift fire in the center of the floor. Hushed voices talk lowly. Intense shuddering rocks my body and I drag in a gulp of air.
This was a bad, bad idea. I hover uncertainly.
“Look,” my captor says, beckoning me. He stares out the dirty, blackened window.
I inch toward him, careful to keep a reasonable distance. Peeking out, I spot the black and amber Police Autovee parked across the street. A formidable figure steps out, clad in the official State Police uniform. His jacket buckles under the myriad of shiny buttons adorning the front.
“That’s Commissioner Williams,” I acknowledge, recognizing him instantly. His face is always plastered over the Commi-Reels, and I feel as if I know him on a personal level. “Why is he in the Outer Circle?” I wrinkle my nose. Few dignitaries grace our shores for fear of being heckled, mugged, shot, or worse.
Gulping, I watch the scene unfolding across the pavement. A police officer appears in the doorframe clutching two clearly frightened young girls. The girls are flung roughly into the back of the Autovee, and the Commissioner climbs in the front passenger seat, glancing surreptitiously around him before the door closes. The vehicle glides away and I slump against the window. Remembering my surroundings, I flinch back and scrub my hands down my arms.
“What’s going on?” I eyeball my captor.
“I’m not quite sure, but from what I’ve gleaned so far, they show up in one of the Sectors of the Outer Circle on a nightly basis, and it’s always the same deal. Two girls taken away from their families. Never to be seen or heard from again. I saw you walk by and I was afraid they would notice you.”

SiobhanAbout the Author:
Siobhan Davis writes young adult science fiction fantasy romance books, and she is the author of the Amazon bestselling True Calling series. The first book in her new Saven series was released in December 2015.
A self-professed teenager forever–at least when it comes to books, music, and films, Siobhan is totally addicted to teen fiction and superhero/blockbuster movies. She loves baking, shoes, bags, makeup, anti-wrinkle cream, anything pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, and Robert Pattinson (definitely Team Edward).
Before pursuing a full-time writing career, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in Human Resources over the last twenty years. She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

You can find and contact Siobhan here:
- Website
- Blog
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Google +
- Goodreads
- Amazon
- Newsletter

Sample chapters, quotes, reviews and book excerpts are all available to download from the authors website

Teaser Saven Deception - Couple Teaser 1

There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Saven: Deception. Open International. Below are the prizes you can win:

- a kindle e-reader
- The Complete Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
- Signed paperbacks of Saven Deception and Saven Disclosure by Siobhan Davis

For a chance to win enter the rafflecopter giveaway below:

Silenced in the Surf by Kate Dyer-Seeley Release Event and Giveaway!

Welcome to the release event for Silenced in the Surf  by Kate Dyer-Seeley! This is book three in the Pacific Northwest Mystery series and released March 29th, 2016.

To celebrate the release Kate shared some photos from Hood River Oregon, where the book takes place.

SILENCED coverAbout the Book:
Covering a windsurfing competition should have been a breeze for reporter Meg Reed, but with a killer in the curl, she's headed for rough waters…
Hood River in the Columbia River Gorge is the windsurfing capital of the world, and Meg is stoked to cover the King of the Hook event for Portland's Northwest Extreme magazine.
Before the competition gets under way, Meg has a chance to try some windsurfing on her own. But when the current sweeps her downriver, she spots a body snagged on the rocks. The dead man is Justin Cruise, aka Cruise Control, a celebrity windsurfer and not exactly a nice guy. It's soon clear his death was no accident, and Cruise had no shortage of enemies. As Meg dives right in to discover who wiped out the windsurfer, she'll need to keep her balance--or she too may get blown away.

Praise For Scene Of The Climb
"A splendid overview of the greater Portland and Columbia River Gorge region, perfect for travel buffs. Her protagonist shows promise with her determined attitude and moxie." --Library Journal "A fun, terrific adventure." --Suspense Magazine
Includes Adventure Guides!

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Don't miss out on the first two books, Scene of the Climb and Slayed on the Slopes!

Scene of the ClimbSlayedontheSlopes-Small

About the Author:
Kate Dyer-Seeley writes the Pacific Northwest Mystery Series for Kensington Publishing. The first book in the series, Scene of the Climb, features the rugged landscapes of the Columbia River Gorge and a young journalist who bills herself as an intrepid adventurer in order to land a gig writing for Northwest Extreme.
Her work has appeared in a variety of regional and international publications including: The Columbian, The Vancouver Voice, Seattle Backpacker, Portland Family Magazine, and Climbing Magazine. Kate lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and son, where you can find her hitting the trail, at an artisan coffee shop, or at her favorite pub. Better yet—at all three.


Summer surf Giveaway

Signed copies of Scene of the Climb, Slayed on the Slopes and Silenced in the Surf, pink water bottle, Organic Clif bars, Sunscreen, Chapstick, Pink sunglasses & Gourmet lemonade.
Open to US addresses only.

Ends April 20, 2016

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

The Undertakers 5: End of the Word by Ty Drago Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Undertakers 5: End of the World! I get to share an awesome guest post with you but make sure to check out the rest of the tour HERE

The Undertakers 5: End of the Word by Ty Drago
Publication Date:  March 29, 2016
Publisher:  Month9Books

The Corpse War is over. Or at least Will Ritter thought the war was over. But Will quickly changes his mind when he is led through a doorway in time and finds himself in a future where the Earth has been all but destroyed. The Corpses, alien invaders who wear the dead like suits of clothing, have returned in horrific numbers. In the wake of their destructive onslaught, a rag-tag group of survivors with some of Will’s now grownup friends among them is all that’s left of mankind. Will must take part in a desperate, last ditch effort to rewrite history, prevent the Second Corpse War from ever happening, and defeat this evil that has consumed mankind once and for all. But victory, if such a thing is even possible, carries a heavy cost.

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Guest Post:

The five books and one novelette in the Undertakers Series are, by and large, set in modern day Philadelphia.  It’s a city I know well, having grown up just across the bridge in Southern New Jersey. Nevertheless, when I resolved to make the City of Brotherly Love the main stomping ground for Will, Helene, Tom, Sharyn, the Burgermeister, and the rest of my army of underage resistance fighters – not to mention the undead alien invaders they’re resisting – I knew I had some serious research to do.
Some reviewers have stated that Philadelphia is almost like another character is my stories.  This is entirely deliberate. I wanted the Undertakers’ adventures to take them all over the city, to places famous and not so famous.  Book 1, “Rise of the Corpses,” opens with a harrowing chase scene through the streets and riverfront of Manayunk, which is the neighborhood in the northwest of Philly where my hero, Will Ritter, grew up.  In preparation for that scene, I went to Manayunk, figured out where Will lived, where his fictitious middle school would be located, and the exact route that he and his newly found friend Helene would use to escape the Corpses hunting them.  I like to think that effort lends a particular realism to the chapters that it might not have had if I’d taken too much “literary license.”
Later in the same book, the Undertakers infiltrate Fort Mifflin, an old Revolutionary War fort that, in the book, has been taken over and repurposed by the Corpses.  Once again, I visited the real Fort Mifflin, this time with my wife Helene, taking plenty of pictures and really thinking about how my intrepid Undertakers would get there and what they would see and do.
That scene, like the Manayunk scene, will be in the upcoming Undertakers movie!
I guess the bottom line is that I believe whole-heartedly in research.  I do a great deal of it, not all of which involves taking trips to Philly or, in the case of Book 3, “Secret of the Corpse Eater,” down to Washington D.C.  Sometimes, effective use of the internet has served me just as well.  For the purposes of the Corpses, I needed to understand how a human body decays after death so that I could accurately portray how much use a given invader would get out of a given stolen host before that cadaver literally started falling about around them.
This research led me to develop the Undertakers’ Type 1-5 system of categorizing their enemies.  Type 1s are in fresh bodies and are extremely dangerous.  Type 5s are in old and desiccated hosts, which can pretty easily be ... well ... broken.
Sound macabre, I know.  But that’s the kind of story I’m writing.  And, trust me, the kid eat it up! ☺
The thing is: I enjoy research.  I know not everyone does, but I appreciate stepping out of my life and sort of immersing myself in the Undertakers world, breathing the air that I imagine them breathing, and seeing the sites that I imagine them seeing.  I find it exhilarating, incredibly helpful from a creative juices standpoint, and a lot of fun.
I also talk to people.  In Book 2, “Queen of the Dead,” a good deal of the action takes place at Eastern State Penitentiary, a prison-turned-museum located in Center City Philly.  I visited it a couple of times, interviewing the docents, and gaining special access to restricted parts of the fascinating, if dilapidated old prison, simply by virtue of the fact that I was writing a book.  People like authors, folks.  Don’t ever be afraid to use that.
Finally, I feel obliged to point out that the research needed depends entirely on the kind of story you’re writing.  If it’s science fiction, for example, make darn sure you have your science right.  If it’s a murder mystery, you’d better understand poison, or guns, or whatever other method your homicidal character might employ.
It can seem daunting, I know.  But resources abound.  Use your imagination, do some digging, and never be afraid to reach out whatever subject matter experts seem appropriate – and ask questions.  
I promise, your readers will thank you. ☺
Happy writing!

Ty Drago does his writing just across the river from Philadelphia, where the Undertakers novels take place.  In addition to The Undertakers: Rise of the Corpses, The Undertakers: Queen of the Dead, and The Undertakers: Secret of the Corpse Eater, he is the author of The Franklin Affair and Phobos, as well as short stories and articles that have appeared in numerous publications, including Writer's Digest.  He currently lives in southern New Jersey with his wife and best friend, the real Helene Drago née Boettcher.

Giveaway Information:  Contest ends April 8, 2016

  • Five (5) winners will receive a digital copy of The Undertakers 5: End of the World by Ty Drago (INT)

The Passage, A Dance, & A Little White Dress by Kristin D. Van Risseghem Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Welcome to my stop on the promo tour for the second book in Kristin D. Van Risseghem's YA fantasy series. 

Series: Enlighten #2
Release date: April 13th 2016
Publisher: Kasian Publishing
Purchase: Amazon

Synopsis via Goodreads:
It's been a week since 17-year old Zoe Jabril found out her best friend is a Guardian Angel, her boyfriend is a Nephilim, and a fellow classmate is a Fairy. What makes Zoe so special? She’s destined to unify Enlightens to battle evil—that is, if Demons don’t kill her first.

With ‘Project: Enlightens Unite’ underway, Zoe learns the history of the area wolf pack and realizes she's in a race against time to get her newly discovered talents under control. Despite struggling to fight a mysterious attraction to her new neighbor, rescue her boyfriend from Demons, and travel into Fairyland to convince the Summer King to join the fight, Zoe must still attend high school classes so her nosy parents don’t suspect anything is out of the ordinary before Demons can mount another attack.

Zoe will need all the help she can get, from the most unlikely of sources, if she’s to save her boyfriend's life and prevent the Devil from escaping Hell on her eighteenth birthday.


Last night, a friend of mine rose from the dead—and I was the one who brought her back. So I guess . . . I’m an angel. Or, at least most of my friends think I am.
Even wrapped tightly in the arms of my favorite oversized PINK hoodie, I shivered. It was chilly for mid-April while I sat on my front porch with the sun just coming over the horizon, but that wasn’t where the tremor had come from.
I glanced up, startled by the high-pitched squealing of truck brakes that rang above the music playing from my iPod. The truck turned into the cul-de-sac and careened straight into the next-door neighbors’ driveway. What made it really strange was the house had been empty since last October. I could still see the top of the “For Sale” sign on the manicured front lawn. I pulled out my cell phone to text my boyfriend, Shay.
Me: Good morning!
As I waited for a response, a gray-uniformed driver opened his door and climbed down. He walked to the back of the truck; then multiple doors slammed.
“This furniture goes into the living room on the main level,” a man said.
I didn’t particularly want to be a nosy neighbor, but I couldn’t help myself. I eased higher on the top step, hoping to get a look at the man who seemed to be in charge. His back was to me, so all I could tell was he had short blond hair. He glanced down at something then looked back up, turned, and pointed toward a number of other, smaller trucks in the cul-de-sac parking. More uniformed men jumped out of the smaller trucks and gathered around their boss, waiting for instructions. I had no interest in watching a bunch of people move boxes, so I just stayed on the step and waited for my best friend, Kieran, and Shay.
A shadow moved into my vision. I lifted my head and spotted someone standing on the street in front of my gate. From this angle and with the sun directly behind the person’s head, I couldn’t see the face, but I knew the body. Then he cleared his throat, and I smiled. I stood and lifted my hand to shield my eyes. No wonder he never texted me back. He probably thought an in-person hello was better.
“Hi,” I said to Shay. “Why are you just standing there? You can let yourself in.”
He stepped forward and opened the gate, and as he came into view, my eyes traveled up his body, over the usual black boots and black jeans. A blood-red T-shirt hugged his upper torso, which was odd. When had Shay added color to his wardrobe? The sleeves barely contained a notable set of muscles and the rest of the material was unsuccessfully hiding what I knew to be an impressive six-pack. In contrast to his dark clothes, Shay had blond hair, unlike my own long brown hair. Now that he was coming out of the direct sunlight, I was able to admire his strong chin and soft lips. Last week I’d kissed those lips on a number of occasions.
But by the time I reached his eyes, which were the most startling aqua color, an intense shiver ran through my body. The sensation was nothing new, but it felt off.
My mouth opened, ready to speak, but he beat me to it. “Name’s Aiden,” he said.
The person standing in front of me looked so similar to Shay. He could have passed as Shay’s older brother. He was going to be my next-door neighbor?Whoa.
“Hey, Aiden!” a shrill female voice shouted from an open window. “You still have unpacking to do! If I have to tell you one more time, I’ll raise holy hell . . .”
I couldn’t speak. Maybe the saying “we all have a twin in the world” was true. Aiden turned and briskly walked back toward his house. I gawked at his retreating back.

About the Author
Kristin D. Van Risseghem grew up in a small river town in Minnesota with her parents and older sister. And after receiving a double Bachelor of Science degree from Winona State University in Paralegal and Corrections, she worked as a Paralegal for various law firms around the Twin Cities for 14 years. Then she left the legal field and is now a Senior Buyer for a technology company.

Currently, Kristin lives in Eagan with her husband and two Calico cats. She also loves attending book clubs, going shopping, and hanging out with friends. She has come to realize that she absolutely has an addiction to purses and shoes. They are her weakness and probably has way too many of both.

In the summer months, Kristin can usually be found lounging on her boat, drinking an ice cold something. Being an avid reader of YA and Women's Literature stories, she still finds time to read a ton of books in-between writing. And in the winter months, her main goal is to stay warm from the Minnesota cold!

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