- Narrated by: Terry F. Self
- Length: 10 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
- Release date: 05-02-17
- Language: English
- Publisher: Roma Gray

A teen descendant of a Native American tribe cursed by an ancient creature may be the only one who can save his bloodline in this YA supernatural thriller.
Deep in the North American forests lurks an animal spirit known as the Grishla. The Grishla is so ancient it pre-dates the human race by several million years, and it is so powerful and reclusive only very insightful witches know of its existence. Five hundred years ago, the Dwanake tribe possessed such witches. Drunk on their own power and arrogance, these witches attempted to enslave the Grishla. Enraged, the creature began hunting and killing the Dwanake. Desperate, the tribal elders ordered experiments on the Dwanake children to create the ultimate witch to defend their people. Sixteen-year-old Sean Wolf is that witch. But Sean is so powerful that he cannot control his own magic. Will he be able to defeat the Grishla or will he destroy himself and everyone that he loves?
My Thoughts:
Let me tell you, this was an awesome book!! I honestly didn't know what to expect with this and will admit that the only reason I read it was the dinosaur on the front ;) I didn't read the blurb and went into it blind.
This is about Sean. His mum thinks he is practicing witch craft because his dad nearly died in a fire. While he can do magic (though he doesn't know it yet) it isn't his fault the fire started, in fact, he saved his dad that night. There is a century old battle going on and a vicious animal spirit is on the hunt. The Grishla cursed Seans family and the tribe they are descendant from and has come to collect. After years of searching for a way to rid the tribe of he Grishla, Sean may be it. He might be their only hope, but he is clueless and the ony people who can train him, seem to turning up dead!!
I have to say that my favourite thing about this book is the lore! The Native Americans are fascinating and their mythology and legends are more so. The author put a lot of work into researching this and it showed. I loved reading about the Grishla and finding out all about it. You add in Druids, witches and magic, and you're definitely onto a winner!! This was well written and developed and I adored it.
Character wise, they were, again, well written and developed. Sean was a typical moody teen who pushes the boundaries. But he is essentially a good kid and has no clue about anything. His mother is horrible and his father is next to useless. I loved that he was sent to his grans!! She was awesome!!
In all, a unique, well crafted story. It captivated me from the start and I need to know what is going to happen next.
I enjoyed Terry F. Self's narration. He was clear and easy to listen to, I just found him a little unenthusiastic! I felt like he could have preformed the book a little better and added some oomph to it. A little more inflection would have worked better!!
I was voluntarily provided this audiobook for free from the author, narrator, or publisher. This in no way affected nor influenced my thoughts.


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