In the Labyrinth, we had a saying: keep silent, keep still, keep safe.
In a city of walls and secrets, where only one man is supposed to possess magic, seventeen-year-old Kai struggles to keep hidden her own secret—she can manipulate the threads of time. When Kai was eight, she was found by Reev on the riverbank, and her “brother” has taken care of her ever since. Kai doesn’t know where her ability comes from—or where she came from. All that matters is that she and Reev stay together, and maybe one day move out of the freight container they call home, away from the metal walls of the Labyrinth. Kai’s only friend is Avan, the shopkeeper’s son with the scandalous reputation that both frightens and intrigues her.
Then Reev disappears. When keeping silent and safe means losing him forever, Kai vows to do whatever it takes to find him. She will leave the only home she’s ever known and risk getting caught up in a revolution centuries in the making. But to save Reev, Kai must unravel the threads of her past and face shocking truths about her brother, her friendship with Avan, and her unique power.
My Thoughts:
An incredibly unique and intriguing read!
I loved Kai. She is strong, skilled, independent, and an overall awesome character. I admired her determination to do what was needed!
I also loved Avan!! He is such a sweetheart. Kai has had a crush on him for ages but doesn't think he likes her. But he secretly does!! Corny, I know but somehow the author makes it work.
Another thing that I both liked and disliked was the world building! While at times amazing, there were a good few beyond belief moments that really stretched the imagination. This may work sometimes, it didn't here.
I loved the idea of the Gargoyles as well! There isn't enough books out there that have them in it. The plot was another plus! It's essentially a rescue mission at heart! It was evenly paced and interesting. The characters were all well written, though I do think that Kai needed to grow more during the book! She just seems to stay the same.
In all, a good read and I will definitely check out book 2. By the way, isn't the cover just stunning!!!! Love it.
I enjoyed reading the book so much I never noticed that she didn't grow that much until you mentioned it.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed it myself, but I did think she needed a bit more growth!!