Monday 27 July 2015

Crow's Rest by Angelica R. Jackson Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Crow's Rest
by Angelica R. Jackson
Release Date: May 12th 2015

Summary from Goodreads:
Avery Flynn arrives for a visit at her Uncle Tam's, eager to rekindle her summertime romance with her crush-next-door, Daniel.
But Daniel’s not the sweet, neurotic guy she remembers—and she wonders if this is her Daniel at all. Or if someone—some thing—has taken his place.
Her quest to find the real Daniel—and get him back—plunges Avery into a world of Fae and changelings, where creatures swap bodies like humans change their socks, and magic lives much closer to home than she ever imagined. 

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Buy Links:

Crow’s Rest Book Trailer:

And check out the illustrated companion, A Compendium of the Faer Folke! Available as a free download!

Guest Post:

Top Ten Bad Titles for Crow’s Rest (there was a game going around Facebook for a while where you go to a random page and line in your book, and land on a short phrase—that phrase was then a Bad Title For Your Book. The funny thing is, some of them actually turn out really good. For this list, I randomly turned to a page and typed whatever phrase my finger stopped on) 

1. Daniel’s Mom Is Expecting Me for Dinner (this one is actually pretty apt) 

2. Threads of Weakened Laws (sounds kind of poetic, but more fitting for a literary lawyer novel) 

3. Uncle Tam Made a Face (again, somewhat apt, but explaining why is spoilery) 

4. Silence On The Other End (this one made me think of a fart joke) 

5. Blecch, It Even Smells Like One (I would be afraid to use this as a title, in case someone cruelly turned it against the book in a review, lol) 

6. His Smile Made Me Stumble (I actually like the romance feel of this one) 

7. There’s Nothing In Here On That (out of context, this one makes me feel...nothing) 

8. Where Did You Get That Spell? (I heard this one in a Valley Girl voice in my head, preceded by “Omigawd”) 

9. Daniel’s Hands (could go either sexy or sinister) 

10. Now Comes My Reward (again, sexy or sinister—or maybe that’s just the way my own mind works)

About the Author:
In keeping with her scattered Gemini nature, Angelica R. Jackson has far too many interests to list here.
She has an obsession with creating more writing nooks in the home she shares with her husband and two corpulent cats in California's Gold Country. Fortunately, the writing nooks serve for reading and cat cuddling too.
Other pastimes include cooking for food allergies (not necessarily by choice, but she’s come to terms with it), photography, and volunteering at a local no-kill sanctuary.
She blogs at Angelic Muse, and is a contributing member of Operation Awesome and the Fearless Fifteeners.

Author Links:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Such a fun Guest Post. I actually like "His Smile Made Me Stumble".

  2. I really enjoyed reading the guest post. This book sounds like a very interesting read!
