Saturday 15 November 2014

Entertaining Angels by Monica Millard Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Entertaining Angels by Monica Millard Publication date: November 11th 2014 Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult


As a senior in high school, Samantha Heman’s too busy trying to avoid getting stomped by a moose at the bus stop and keeping her grades up until graduation to put much thought into angels or demons.
That all changes on the day she is kidnapped by notorious serial killer, Christopher Hainsely. It’s a day she finds herself confronted by both evil and good, because her savior appears in the form of an avenging angel come to strike the monster down with a single stroke of his flaming sword.
Though she’s trying to get on with her life, she cannot get the angel out of her head. It isn’t the burning wings, fiery eyes or the flaming sword that keeps her searching the internet for proof one way or another of his existence, though.
The feeling of warmth she experienced when she witnessed that sad smile just before he vanished in a wash of golden light, haunts her nights almost as often as the nightmares.
If angels exist, then demons must too, and they’re about to wage a war for her soul.


Ten Odd Facts About Monica Millard Author of Entertaining Angels
1. Stray animals follow me home, a lot. When I was younger this fact was much to the annoyance of my dad because even if we didn’t adopt them, they adopted us.
2. I can predict the future. Haha. When I was younger, we were visiting friends from another place in Alaska and my brother was fishing on the bank of a river.  The way he was doing it was making me nervous and I said to him, “You’re going to hook someone.” Not five minutes later I noticed something in my peripheral vision. It was a hook, in my face! On his backward cast he hooked me. In the face!
3. I love angels. It doesn’t matter if the stories, art or movies match my own beliefs. In fact if someone can tell a story about them in a new and unique way, like Angelfall by Susan Ee or Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor or Uprising by Dawn Jane, I often times love it even more.
4. I love all things fantastic. One of my favorite movies is The Abyss. I love aliens and I’m fascinated by the things that live under the murky depths of the ocean. This movie mixed both of things to epic awesomeness. Even now, all these years later the effects are some of the best I’ve seen. Underwater sentient water tentacle!
5. I LOVE breakfast cereal. I could live off breakfast food and be happy.
6. It’s hard to surprise me, as far as movies and books go. I love it when a book or movie has something I didn’t see coming (in a good way). Serenity is a great example of that. I am so inspired by the storytelling in that movie. It’s one I could watch a million times and never be tired of.
7. I leave my Christmas tree up all year. It’s fiber optic and it makes me happy.
8. When I was younger I wanted to be a dancer.
9. I donate blood as often as I can. I’m not perfect on getting in every 8 weeks. Life is busy, but I’m probably one of the few people who recognizes the blood bank phone number because they call me enough that I know by the number that I’m eligible to donate again and they will have the bloodmobile in my area. I’ll never be a superhero, but I can save lives.
10. Just like Sam in Entertaining Angels, I’m a shorty. I’m not even five feet tall.


Monica Millard was born and raised in Alaska. She doesn’t own a dog sled team, but has worked in a place where there are buildings with caged exterior doors to keep employees from being eaten by polar bears.

Monica’s favorite quote is, “People do not see the world as it is, they see it as they are.” She is not sure who said it but it is a quote that has always stuck with her. She loves to read because it allows her to see the world through someone else’s perspective and experience something she would otherwise never be able to. Sharing that same experience with others through her own writing is a possibility that makes her excited to get out of bed in the morning.

She lives in Wasilla, Alaska with all her critters, some four legged and others that stand on two. She writes Science fiction, fantasy, and Paranormal for young adults.


  1. I enjoyed reading the synopsis and the ten odd facts about the author. Entertaining Angels sounds like an interesting read!
