This is my stop during the blog tour for Beyond Reach by Siobhan Davis. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 1 till 21 May, you can view the complete tour schedule on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours.
So far this series contains 2 books: True Calling (True Calling #1) and Beyond Reach (True Calling #2).

By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopian Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: April 30, 2015
Blurb:You can find Beyond Reach on Goodreads
Back on Earth, Ariana is caught in a dangerous crossfire between clandestine rebel organization Clementia and the power-hungry government. Refusing to divulge the location of the secret information entrusted to her by her late father, she desperately tries to bargain for her Mom, Lily, and Cal’s rescue. She’s fighting a losing battle, and the clock is ticking.
Presented with evidence of her fiancé Cal’s apparent betrayal, she loyally defends him despite her concerns. With her emotions in turmoil, matters become even more complicated as she grows closer to her ex-boyfriend Zane.
When the stakes are raised, a succession of shocking revelations rocks her world, setting her on a path that will not only change her destiny but the fate of humanity.
Confronted by a memory so abhorrent comes a truth she would do anything to forget.
But some things just can’t be undone.
Beyond Reach is the gripping second novel in the True Calling trilogy, continuing the story of Ariana Skyee in the weeks after she arrives back on Earth.
You can buy Beyond Reach here: - Amazon
- Amazon UK
- Amazon Canada
- Amazon Australia
- Amazon India
- Barnes & Noble
- Kobo
- iBooks
Excerpt :
The author is doing something cool this time around with the excerpt from Beyond Reach. Every blogger who has signed on for an excerpt stop will showcase a part of the story when it’s their turn. If you haven’t read the previous part yet, head over to to check it out and then re-join my blog to continue the story.
The car moves forward effortlessly, and I continue to gawp in amazement at the large town spread out in front of me. Disgust is a bitter taste that floods my mouth. As we round the next corner, the vehicle slows down, coming to a sharp stop in front of a large, concrete, three-story, gray building. A Ranger walks through the wooden-framed double glass doors and approaches the vehicle. “Come with me, please,” he says, as he opens the door. At least this one appears to have some manners. Shunting across the seat, I slide my legs over the side and haul myself out, stumbling awkwardly in the process.
He grips my arm at the elbow and escorts me inside. As we walk up three flights of stairs, his hold never loosens. When we reach the top level, he taps in a code on the wall-mounted keypad, and we step through one set of wide double doors. We walk through two more sets of double doors and come out into a long narrow corridor with windows on one side and a row of separate steel cells on the other.
He unlocks one of the empty cells and guides me inside. I sit down on the end of the cold, hard bench and try to calm the rampant pounding in my chest. I wonder what they have in store for me next. There’s a metallic clunking sound as the door locks, and then I hear the heavy thread of his footsteps as he walks away.
“Hey, doll,” a deep voice says behind me. Every hair on my body rises to attention, and I refuse to turn around. “I don’t bite,” the voice adds, amusement coloring his tone. Running my hands through my hair, I tap my foot nervously on the ground. “That’s a Clementia uniform, right?” That got my attention. Twisting around, I look down the row of cells, and my eyes lock on the only other occupant, a guy who looks to be a little bit older than me, residing in the cell three down from mine. Hot Boy Alert! His golden locks tumble in loose waves over his forehead, and his expressive lips are curved in a telltale smirk. Rising suddenly, he stretches his arms out over his head and yawns. He’s tall and well built, with wide shoulders, a broad chest, and muscular arms. Smirking even wider, he folds his arms over his chest, as he stares at me through navy blue eyes. “I’m Jax.”
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May 1
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May 3
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May 4
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May 5
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May 6
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May 7
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May 8
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May 12
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May 13
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May 15
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May 16
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May 18
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May 20
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May 21
The excerpt story starts on May 1st and culminates on May 21st. Make sure to follow each blog to continue the story.
First book in this series:

By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Dystopian/Science Fiction/Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: August 1, 2014
Blurb:You can find True Calling on Goodreads
Planet Novo, nestled in space twelve hundred miles above the surface of the Earth, is the new home of 17-year-old Cadet Ariana Skyee. Confused by the government-sanctioned memory erase and distressed at her impending forced marriage and motherhood, Ariana’s plans for the future are thrown into complete disarray.
As the traumatic events within her family life enfold, Ariana grows increasingly alarmed at the authorities apparent pre-occupation with her and feels progressively more isolated and alone.
Her growing feelings for fellow Cadet Cal Remus intensify as the recently announced pageant, ‘The Calling’, gets underway. Struggling to comprehend the continuous, inexplicable dreams of the mysterious Zane, discovering the past helps shape her future, with devastating personal consequences.
You can buy True Calling here:
- Amazon USA
- Amazon UK
- Amazon Canada
- Amazon Australia
- Amazon India
Guest Post :
Top 5 Books and Top 5 Movies I need to read/see now
1. Every Last Breath by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I’m a massive fan of Jennifer’s writing and I love her YA books in particular. I adored White Hot Kiss and Stone Cold Touch – yum yum. I can’t wait to read this book to find out how the Dark Elements series ends and to discover whether Layla ends up with Roth or Zayne. (I suspect it will be Astaroth, Crown Prince of Hell)
2. Oblivion by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Jennifer recently announced that she was writing a Lux companion novel told from Daemon Black’s perspective. I loved this series so much and Daemon is the original hot, snarky, bad-boy alien love god. It’s not being released until December and I don’t know how I’m going to contain myself until then!
3. Cinder by Marissa Meyer. This has been sitting by my bed for the last couple of months and I look at it longingly most nights before I go to bed. I’ve seen rave reviews for it and I know I’m most likely going to love it. But that means I’ll want to devour all the books in one go and I have a tight writing deadline to adhere to at the moment so I can’t afford to get sucked into another series right now.
4. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. I’ve been dying to read this series for ages. I love when I discover a series years later than everyone else, because then all the books are already released and I can read them one after the other. I’ve also seen some reviewers compare this series with The Covenent Series (J.L. Armentrout) and I’m interested to see if I spot any similarities. But, as with Cinder, I need to finish the final book in my own trilogy before I can splurge on this series.
5. The Selection by Kiera Cass. Some readers have compared True Calling to this series so I’m intrigued to read these books for myself. I’ve deliberately waited until my own series was completed as I didn’t want to be unnecessarily influenced by what Kiera has done. I intend reading them all while I’m on holiday in June.
- Mockingjay 2. I’m a massive fan of The Hunger Games trilogy and I’ve read all the books and seen all the movies to date. I really enjoyed the first and second instalment but was disappointed with Mockingjay 1 – it felt flat and I hated that they gave all of Finnick Odair’s best lines to Effie Trinket. I’m still eagerly anticipating the final instalment, though it will be bittersweet. Having read the book, I’m expecting this movie to far exceed the first part.
- Allegiant 1. You’re starting to see a pattern here, right? I’m a self-professed teenager at heart when it comes to books and movies so you won’t find me apologising! I love the Divergent series and thought the first movie was brilliant. I was really upset with the second one. They changed too much of the plot and they totally erased all of the tension and conflict between Tris and Four, and that really made the book for me. I’m not sure what they are going to do with the first movie adaptation of Allegiant, but I hope they do a better job than Insurgent. Though, wild horses still wouldn’t keep me away from the cinema.
- Avengers Assemble: Age of Ultron. This one is released in Ireland this month and I’m looking forward to seeing it with my nine-year-old son. I’ve passed my love of movies onto him and we are partners-in-crime when it comes to anything in the Marvel universe.
- Interstellar. I was raging that I missed this in the cinema; I’m sure it was amazing on the big screen. This move combines three of my favourite things. First, it’s a movie. Duh. Second, it stars the uber-delicious and super-talented Matthew McConaughy. Thirdly, it’s science fiction, my favourite genre.
- Sequel to the Seventh Son. I really hope there is one. Does anyone know? I saw the Seventh Son recently with my two sons and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. My youngest is reading the books and he would love to see more of this series on the big screen.

Siobhan Davis is the author of YA science fiction romance series True Calling.
A self-diagnosed ‘teenager forever’—at least when it comes to books, music and movies; Siobhan is totally addicted to teen fiction and superhero/blockbuster movies. Siobhan loves baking, crime novels, shoes, bags, make-up, anti-wrinkle cream, anything pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, and Robert Pattinson (definitely Team Edward).
Siobhan has forged a successful corporate career, in Human Resources, over the last twenty years.
A member of the IWI writers group, Siobhan resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.
Contact Siobhan at:
You can find and contact Siobhan here:
- Website
- Author blog
- Book website
- Google +
- Goodreads
Sample chapters, quotes, reviews and book excerpts are all available to download from the authors website
There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Beyond Reach. These are the prizes you can win:
- 2 e-copies of Beyond Reach by Siobhan Davis
- 2 10$ amazon gift cards
For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks so much for hosting my blog tour today Natalie. I really appreciate it! Great blog 😊
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