Saturday 30 May 2015

The Last Siege of Haven by Ty Drago Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Title: Last Siege of Haven (Undertakers #4)
Publication date: May 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Author: Ty Drago

While away on an undercover mission, Undertaker Will Ritter has made an unthinkable alliance...with a Corpse! But though Robert Dillin (aka 'The Zombie Prince') is indeed one of those alien invaders who animate and possess the bodies of the dead -- unlike the rest of his kind, Dillin isn't evil. In fact, he wants to help. And Will needs that help, because the Queen of the Dead has learned the location of Haven, the Undertakers' secret HQ, and is planning a massive and deadly assault. With the last day of the Corpse War finally upon them, Will and his friends find themselves in a desperate race to close the Rift between worlds and forever kill the Corpses. But can they do before Haven is overrun? For that matter, can they do it at all?
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Guest Post:


Helene Boettcher is a veteran Undertaker. Originally rescued from the Corpses after her well-meaning parents put her in a mental hospital over her claims of “seeing the dead,” Helene has grown from a frightened and homesick eleven year old into a capable and self-reliant teenage girl, having mastered the Undertakers’ peculiar brand of martial arts: “Street Karate.”
She spent more than a year serving as a Schooler, a type of Undertaker who infiltrates area middle schools, looking for and rescuing kids who suddenly manifest the ability to “See” Corpses.  This was how she met Will.  Since then, their friendship has deepened.  Helene now knows that Will harbors a crush on her, a feeling that she quietly reciprocates, though she hasn’t yet decided what, if anything, to do about it.
Helene wrestles with conflicted feelings where Will’s mom is concerned.  On the one hand there’s an understandable jealousy, shared by many Undertakers, toward the fact that Will has been reunited with his family and she has not.  On the other hand is her unease at having to deal with the mother of the boy she quietly loves.  This situation is made even more complicated when Tom, as chief, asks Helene to “befriend” Susan Ritter, to get to know her and help the woman adapt to her new life in Haven.

Ty Drago does his writing just across the river from Philadelphia, where the Undertakers novels take place.  In addition to The Undertakers: Rise of the Corpses,The Undertakers: Queen of the Dead, and The Undertakers: Secret of the Corpse Eater, he is the author of The Franklin Affair and Phobos, as well as short stories and articles that have appeared in numerous publications, including Writer’s Digest.  He currently lives in southern New Jersey with his wife and best friend, the real Helene Drago née Boettcher.
Author Links:  Website Twitter Facebook Goodreads

Giveaway Information: 

·        Five (5) winners will receive a digital copy of Last Siege of Haven (The Undertakers #4) by Ty Drago (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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