Thursday 19 February 2015

Horror Business by Ryan Craig Bradford Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Title: Horror Business
Publication date: February 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Author: Ryan Craig Bradford

Armed with a passion for classic B-grade horror movies, a script co-written by his twin brother, and a wicked crush on his death-obsessed neighbor; hardcore horror fan Jason Nightshade must finish his student film.  But his plans are derailed when the children of suburban Silver Creek start disappearing – his twin brother among them. Battling a possessed video camera, a crazy zombie dog, a monstrous bully, and a frighteningly broken down family life, Jason embarks on a mission to find his lost brother so the two can write an ending for his story. As any horror fan knows, saving the day won’t be easy, as Jason finds himself forced to face the real world where death isn’t just a splash of fake blood on a camera lens.

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Guest Post :

Top things you need to know about Horror Business

-  Seven years ago—the summer after I got my undergraduate degree—I was waiting tables (poorly), wondering where my life was going. At the end of that summer, I left my waiter job (without giving notice) to attend my brother's wedding in Upstate New York. During that trip, I read Dan Simmons' The Terror and Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho—books that were hugely exhilarating due their respective story and structure. Knowing that I'd return home with to no job, I decided that I'd take the opportunity to attempt a novel. That was the impetus to write Horror Business.

- I wrote Horror Business in three months, between September and November. I haven't been able to replicate that kind of productivity since. 

- Writing back then felt like a means of survival. 

- Horror Business has saved me, mentally and financially, numerous times over the past seven years.

- The title Horror Business comes from the best Misfits song. 

- You don't need to be a fan of horror movies to enjoy Horror Business. In fact, it might be better if you're not.

- But if you are a horror fan, there's a part in the book where I state that Evil Dead is a better movie that Evil Dead II. I know this is not a popular opinion, so come at me, horror bros.

- The main character—Jason Nightshade—is a shout-out to Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. 

- Most characters are named after famous horror directors, actors or movie characters.

- "Likeable" characters in literature bore me. There is plenty to like about the characters in Horror Business, but they're not 100% likeable. There will be moments when you don't like them, but in the end, you'll root for them.

- Horror Business is very autobiographical. When I first wrote it, I wanted to write a horror story. In the years since—through editing and revision—I've realized that the horror is just a technique to tell a more personal story.

- While I was writing Horror Business, I woke up one night and thought the oscillating fan in my room was a ghost. An old-timey Colonial ghost with a powdered wig, to be exact. In retrospect, that sounds ridiculous, but at the time, it was terrifying. 

- When my mom read Horror Business, she loved it, but she also said, "Do you really need to use so many bad words?" 

- Yes, Mom, I do.


Ryan grew up in Park City, Utah. His fiction has appeared in Quarterly West, Paper Darts, Vice, Monkeybicycle and [PANK]. He currently lives in San Diego where he acts as Creative Director for the nonprofit literary arts organization So Say We All. He’s the co-editor of the anthology Last Night on Earth and founder of the literary horror journal, Black Candies.

Connect with the Author:  Website | Twitter 

Giveaway Information:  

 ·         Five (5) winners will receive a digital copy of  Horror Business by Ryan Craig Bradford (INT)

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